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best choice中文翻译,best choice是什么意思,best choice发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

best choice中文翻译,best choice是什么意思,best choice发音、用法及例句

1、best choice

best choice发音

英:  美:

best choice中文意思翻译



best choice双语使用场景

1、While each of these products has its place in the furniture maker's repertoire, aliphatic resin glue is the best choice for the beginner.───虽然上述的各种胶水在家具制作领域都各有用武之地,但对于初学者来说脂肪树脂胶(黄胶)是最好的选择。

2、Loop is not the best choice unless you know the characteristics of the enumerator object the collection exposes.───循环不是最佳选择,除非您知道该集合公开的枚举数对象的特征。

3、"We were told European countries would be in a fierce tussle for 2018 and that aiming for 2022 would the best choice, " he said.───他说,我们都知道欧洲国家为了2018年的主办权进行了一场激烈的斗争,把目标定在2022年事最好的选择。

4、Considering the realities in China and thee-retail's development situation, logistics outsourcing is often the best choice.───鉴于中国电子零售业的发展现状,物流外包往往是最佳选择。

5、Milk is sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening.───牛奶不含糖和添加剂,因此营养学家推荐脱脂牛奶作为睡前的最佳选择,因为它最不容易让人发胖。

6、If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you'll find a double-breasted suit to be the best choice.───如果你想要适合你使你看起来引人注目看起来更绅士,你将会发现双排扣会是你最好的选择。

7、The space filling Z-order curve might not be the best choice for geodetic data, given the closed nature of the earth's surface.───对于大地数据,由于地区表面具有封闭的特性,因此空间填充Z顺序曲线可能不是最好的选择。

8、warm drink of milk before bed has been the best choice for those wanting a good sleep.───对于想要睡个好觉的人来说,睡前喝杯热牛奶是最佳选择。

9、Winter spas are now the best choice for serious R & R.───冬季温泉是当下最佳的选择。

best choice相似词语短语

1、better choice───更好的选择


3、lifestyle choice───生活方式选择

4、best advice───最好的建议

5、post chaise───(旧时)驿递马车(18~19世纪初运载乘客及邮件的四轮车厢式马车)

6、chest voice───胸音

7、odd choice───奇怪的选择


9、of choice───特别的,精选的



adj. 准备好;现成的;迅速的;情愿的;快要…的

n. 现款;预备好的状态

adv. 迅速地;预先

vt. 使准备好


Ready-cooked meals are the best choice for the hurried office workers.



ready for something准备做(某事)

get ready准备好

ready for对...有适合准备

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