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pleasantly surprised中文翻译,pleasantly surprised是什么意思,pleasantly surprised发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

pleasantly surprised中文翻译,pleasantly surprised是什么意思,pleasantly surprised发音、用法及例句

1、pleasantly surprised

pleasantly surprised发音

英:  美:

pleasantly surprised中文意思翻译



pleasantly surprised双语使用场景

1、He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.───让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了.

2、She was pleasantly surprised with the wonderful present.───她为能收到这件非常好的礼物感到十分惊喜.

3、I was pleasantly surprised how I could achieve this type of dynamic mapping with so little code.───我惊喜地发现,我可以用很少的代码实现这种类型的动态映射。

4、Therefore makes present's progress, has pleasantly surprised, but actually not accidental.───所以取得现在的成绩, 是有惊喜但却是不意外的.

5、We were pleasantly surprised at the profit we made.───我们获得了利润而惊喜交加.

6、You be pleasantly surprised.───你可能愉快地被吃惊.

7、You be pleasantly surprised by the answers you get.───你会惊讶于你得到的答案.

8、Most of you will be pleasantly surprised at how high you rank.───你们大多数人都会对自己的排名之高感到惊喜。

9、The young singer was pleasantly surprised when waves of cheering broke over her at the end of her first performance.───那位年轻歌手首场演出结束时,台下响起了雷鸣般的喝彩声,使她又惊又喜.

10、Mahmood says he has been "pleasantly surprised by how rapidly this new health agenda has been embraced".───马哈茂德说到“他惊喜地发现新健康日程表如此迅速得到采纳”。

11、The beautiful life should be expectant, pleasantly surprised and gratitude.───美好的生命应该充满期待 、 惊喜和感激.

12、You may be pleasantly surprised when you start to notice improvement.───当你注意到学生有进步时,你会很惊讶及欣慰.

13、True pleasantly surprised from vaulting horse competition.───真正的惊喜来自跳马比赛.

14、I was so pleased ( pleasantly surprised ) with how good your songs were.───冈:我是真的很喜欢你的新歌!

15、Please check it out - you be pleasantly surprised!───请检查它 - 你会惊喜!

16、On the drum tower avenue, was momentarily may find pleasantly surprised.───在鼓楼大街上, 是随时可以找到惊喜的.

17、I was pleasantly surprised.───我感到惊喜.

18、Pleasantly surprised low price over flow happy!───惊喜低价,超值快乐!

pleasantly surprised相似词语短语

1、express surprise───表示惊讶

2、pleasant surprise───惊喜

3、pleasant surroundings───宜人的环境

4、nasty surprise───令人不快的事情;讨厌的惊喜

5、hardly surprising───并不令人吃惊

6、take by surprise───使吃惊;撞见;奇袭


8、unpleasant surprise───令人不快的惊喜

9、frequently used───常用的





◎ 惊喜 jīngxǐ

[pleasantly surprised] 又惊又喜



1.pleasantly surprised


又惊又喜。《后汉书·袁敞传》:“臣 俊 徒也,不得上书;不胜去死就生,惊喜踊跃,触冒拜章。” 宋 苏轼 《上神宗皇帝书》:“乃知陛下不惟赦之,又能听之,惊喜过望,以至感泣。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二九:“一眼瞟去, 赵琮 名字朗朗在上,不觉惊喜。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第一章:“显然 王强 对 老周 的到来,感到说不出的惊喜。”

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