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stray翻译(stray from中文翻译,stray from是什么意思,stray from发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

stray翻译(stray from中文翻译,stray from是什么意思,stray from发音、用法及例句)

stray from

stray from发音

英:  美:

stray from中文意思翻译



stray from双语使用场景

1、Don't let the dog stray from the garden.───不要让狗从花园跑丢了.

2、Please don't stray from the subject.───请不要离开本题.

3、Don't stray from the main point of the question.───不要离开问题的主要之点.

4、Other works also stray from the conventions of typical pharaonic art.───其它的作品也远离了典型的法老艺术传统.

5、You rebuke the arrogant, who are cursed and who stray from your commands.───21受咒诅偏离你命令的骄傲人 、 你已经责备他们.

6、Don't stray from the point.───不要离题乱扯。

7、Cycle, break off the stray from the herd and flush him to the right.───摩托车手, 把迷途的那只从兽群中隔离出来,把它赶到右边.

8、Please keep [stick] to the point.; Please don't stray from the subject.───请不要离开本题。

9、His books don't stray from those themes in the slightest.───他的书籍都没有脱离主题。

10、Regional governors are unlikely to stray from the Kremlin's plans.───地区领导人肯定得到了克里姆林宫的授意.

11、Young children should not be allowed to stray from their parents.───不要让儿童离开父母到处乱跑.

12、He may belong to senile residents who stray from home.───他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人.

13、Be careful not to stray from the right path of duty.───注意不要偏离应尽职责的正道.

stray from相似词语短语

1、drags from───拖累

2、draw from───从…中得到;从…提取

3、drawn from───从…中得到;从…提取

4、drag from───拖离

5、as from───从…时起;从…开始

6、far from───adv.远离;远非;完全不

7、shy away from───回避,退缩;躲避;羞于

8、draws from───从…中得到;从…提取

9、drew from───从…中得到;从…提取

stray from是什么词性?

stray from是动词词性,具体内容如下。


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