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nothing short of中文翻译,nothing short of是什么意思,nothing short of发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

nothing short of中文翻译,nothing short of是什么意思,nothing short of发音、用法及例句

nothing short of

nothing short of发音

英:  美:

nothing short of中文意思翻译

可以说是; 简直,无异于


nothing short of双语使用场景

1、And your performance in this film nothing short of spectacular.───你在这部**的表现完美极了.

2、The book I read last week was nothing short of being naff.───我上星期看的那本书简直是无聊透顶了.

3、Animation and special effects are nothing short of eye - pleasing.───动画和特技效果同样能让人达到视觉快乐.

4、His conduct was nothing short of madness.───他的行为简直是发了疯.

5、's nothing short of amazing.───没有比这么短时间更让人震惊的!

6、Starting bare-handed, you have built up so many steel plants. This is nothing short of miracles.───你们白手起家, 修建了这么多钢铁厂, 这简直是个奇迹。

7、It is nothing short of scandalous.───这太可耻了.

8、The survival of some species seems nothing short of miraculous.───有些物种的存活简直是奇迹.

9、His idea is nothing short of absurd.───他的想法无异于荒谬.

10、Nothing short of this could mend the case.───不这样就不能挽回局面.

11、Her escape was nothing short of ( being ) miraculous.───她的 脱险 可说是个奇迹.

12、Making a false statement to the police is nothing short of perjury.───向警方说假说就是做伪证.

13、To do that would be nothing short of suicide.───那样做无异于自杀.

14、Its 128 Kbps speed was considered nothing short of amazing.───其128Kbps的速度令人惊叹不已.

15、It is nothing short of madness.───简直是发疯.

16、The transformation has been nothing short of a miracle.───这种变化堪称奇迹。

17、The results are nothing short of magnificent.───结果非常不错。

nothing short of相似词语短语

1、nothing loath───很乐意

2、doing out of───向…骗取,骗走;(用不正当手段)剥夺

3、housing shortage───房荒;住房紧张;住宅不足

4、nothing for it───什么都没有

5、nothing to it───没有什么不可以;容易极了

6、getting out of───逃避;避免

7、going out of───从…出来,离开

8、to stop short of───停止

9、little short of───简直可以说是;几乎是,简直不比…差


no more than的意思是最多,不超过,nothing but的意思是除了…以外没有别的。

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