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yellow fever中文翻译,yellow fever是什么意思,yellow fever发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

yellow fever中文翻译,yellow fever是什么意思,yellow fever发音、用法及例句

1、yellow fever

yellow fever发音

英:  美:

yellow fever中文意思翻译




yellow fever双语使用场景

1、Measles, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis B, yellow fever.───麻疹, 疟疾, 肺炎, 乙型肝炎, 黄热病.

2、Those rules dealt with only four diseases: cholera, plague, yellow fever and smallpox.───这些法规只处理四类传染病: 霍乱 、 瘟疫 、 黄热病、天花.

3、Doctor Mudd saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak.───马德医生在一场黄热病流行时治愈了许多囚犯和看守.

4、A : Yellow fever, Dengue fever and the West Nile fever.───黄热病, 登革热和西尼罗热.

5、Travelers are reminded that inoculation against yellow fever is advisable.───旅客们被提醒,注射黄热病预防针是明智的.

6、Trying to stop her sister Nina with an Asian flavor. Can you say yellow fever?───试图阻止有着一种亚洲风味的她的姐妹尼娜,你能说黄热病?

7、In the North, mosquitoes couldn't survive overwintering, so there wasn't yellow fever.───在北方, 蚊子没办法活过冬天, 所以那里没有黄热病.

8、Article 84 Incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days.───第八十四条黄热病的潜伏期为6日.

9、In the past century, eradication efforts failed against hookworm , yellow fever and malaria.───在过去的几个世纪, 对付钩虫,黄热病, 和疟疾的效果失败.

10、Mosquitoes can also spread West Nile virus, dengue fever, yellow fever and other illnesses.───蚊子也能扩展WestNile病毒, 登革热,黄疸病以及其他疾病.

11、The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.───斯瓦特和印度河流域的洪水就像荷兰的黄热病蚊子一样,是形势可能恶化的象征。

12、You will have to take the vaccination against yellow fever here.───您必须在我们这里进行黄热病预防接种.

13、Objective To fabricate microarray for detection of Japanese encephalitis virus and yellow fever virus.───目的制备乙型脑炎病毒(JEV)与黄热病病毒(YFV) 联合诊断基因芯片.

14、Dengue is a relative of yellow fever, hepatitis C and the West Nile virus.───登革热是一种与黄热病 、 C型肝炎及西方尼罗河病毒相关的疾病.

15、Yellow fever is endemic to parts of central Africa.───黄热病是中非一些地区的地方流行病.

16、No cases of plague or yellow fever were reported during the year.───年内,本港并没有发生鼠疫,也没有发现黄热病.

17、Section III Yellow Fever.───第三节黄热病.

18、The yellow fever vaccination is no longer valid in your certificate.───您的证书上的黄热病接种一项已经失效了.

19、Ten days later the chief of the expedition was dead of yellow fever.───10天以后,领队的头头又得黄热病死了.

20、He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.───他对黄热病**对城市化进程的阻碍为一种巧合做出了解释。

21、Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but It'still exists in some countries.───黄热病已经在美国根除了,但是在其他国家仍然存在.

22、Objective To prepare microarray for detection of yellow fever virus ( YFV ) .───目的制备黄热病病毒寡核苷酸 检测芯片.

23、For yellow fever vaccine, it is valid for 10 years from the day of inoculation.───(一)黄热病疫苗自接种后第10日起,10年内有效.

24、They also transmit devastating diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile fever and dengue.───它们同时也在传播疾病,如黄热病、西尼罗河热和登革热。

25、But Panama was all jungle , torrential rain , malaria and yellow fever , and the French failed catastrophically.───在21世纪,要把巴拿马运河现代化是非常艰辛的工程.

26、At present, such certificate is only issued for vaccination against yellow fever for international travel.───目前, 该等证明书的签发对象只限于接受黄热病防疫注射的往外地旅游人士.

27、Travellers are reminded that inoculation against yellow fever is advisable.───提醒旅游者接种预防黄热病的疫苗是明智的.

28、Conclusion Microarray technology provides an efficient alternative for the detection of yellow fever virus.───结论基因芯片技术为黄热病病毒检测提供了一种早期、速、靠的方法.

29、He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.───他解释说黄热病的流行恰好减缓了城市的扩张。

30、Yellow fever Results hit the nation's Southern states in epidemic proportions.───黄热病肆虐美国南部各州.

31、Mosquitos are vectors of malaria and yellow fever.───蚊子是疟疾和黄热病的传播媒介.

32、A vaccine for yellow fever is announced for use on humans.───1932年的今天,用来预防黄热病的疫苗被宣布可用于人类接种.

yellow fever相似词语短语

1、yellow fevers───[内科]黄热病

2、yellow ocher───黄土;黄赭色

3、yellow belly───n.懦夫;黄腹鱼;皮肤呈黄色或浅棕色的人

4、yellow bile───黄胆汁

5、yellow alert───预备警报

6、develop fever───发烧

7、yellow jersey───黄泽西种

8、Yellow River───黄河

9、well I never───我从来没有











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