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merger and acquisition中文翻译,merger and acquisition是什么意思,merger and acquisition发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

merger and acquisition中文翻译,merger and acquisition是什么意思,merger and acquisition发音、用法及例句

merger and acquisition

merger and acquisition发音

英:  美:

merger and acquisition中文意思翻译



merger and acquisition双语使用场景

1、This part of I have pointed out the bank merger and acquisition function finally.───这部分的最后我指出了银行并购的作用.

2、The directors of the company are secretly discussing matters concerning the merger and acquisition.───公司董事会正在密议这次并购事宜.

3、It is the general designation that the enterprise A to the enterprise merger and acquisition.───企业并购是企业兼并和收购行为的统称.

4、Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the integration after the merger and acquisition.───最后, 加强并购重组企业的整合.

5、Busitrade Ltd. - Provides business brokerage and merger and acquisition consultancy services.───提供商业顾问、购并及估值服务、企业营商支援.

6、Can provide the help by the time to the later bank merger and acquisition.───以期能对以后银行的并购提供帮助.

7、On the success side, it might mean specific revenue, product release, merger and acquisition opportunity, or reduced liability directly attributable to a particular SOA project.───在成功的方面,这可能意味着特定的利润,产品的发布,合并和收购机遇,或者是某个特定SOA项目带来的负债减少。

8、For merger and acquisition of SOEs in Heilongjiang province , the investors may recruit the employees themselves.───投资者并购或控股省内国有企业, 可自主录用所需员工.

9、Growth by merger and acquisition has become standard fare, so entire it organizations, applications, and infrastructures must be integrated and absorbed.───合并和收购的增长已经成为家常便饭,因此必须将整个IT组织、应用程序和基础架构集成和融合在一起。

10、Merger and Acquisition ( M & A ) is one of the important means to expand enterprises and enhance their competitiveness.───企业 并购 是企业扩大规模、增强竞争实力的重要手段.

11、They worry it could be used to scupper merger and acquisition deals.───他们担心,《反垄断法》可能被用于阻挠并购交易.

12、Stocks rose modestly Monday as investors tentatively moved back into the market after a fresh round of merger and acquisition activity.───股周一小幅上扬,投资者暂时回流股市,迎来新一轮企业兼并收购活动。

merger and acquisition相似词语短语


2、answer a question───回答一个问题

3、grand inquisitor───宗教法庭大法官


5、further acquisitions───进一步收购

6、language acquisition───语言习得

7、overseas acquisitions───境外并购

8、potential acquisition───潜在收购




乘销证券undertaking securities

兼并与收购merger and acquisition

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