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in review中文翻译,in review是什么意思,in review发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

in review中文翻译,in review是什么意思,in review发音、用法及例句

in review

in review发音

英:  美:

in review中文意思翻译




in review双语使用场景

1、In review a novel, you shall try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest.───评论一本小说的时候, 你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣.

2、The troops have been formed up in review order.───部队已被排成检阅队形.

3、His bitter childhood passed in review before the old man.───老人回顾了他悲惨的童年.

4、The audit results shall be recorded in < Review Form for Certificate Transfer > ( FP 0128 B ).───评审结果应记录于《证书转换评审表》 ( FP0128B ).

5、Our general passed the troops in review.───我们的将军检阅了部队.

6、The implication is that if you take a lot of other things in review, you're not taking this one thing seriously.───其中暗示着,如果你回顾其它许多事,那么你没有认真对待这件事。

7、At the end of last year's year in Review, I wrote.───在2009年的年终回顾中,我写到。

8、The prioress passed jean Valjean in review.───院长审视了冉阿让。

9、There are three aspects about recognitions of syndrome of damp - heat in review articles.───文献综述从三个方面梳理总结了相关文献对湿热为病的认识.

10、The general passed the troops in review.───将军检阅了部队.

11、Q 4 . What is Imagery ( the common word in review of poem ) in your opinion?───你认为的“意象” ( 诗论中常用词 ) 是 什么 ?

12、Experience in review of the SLD , Control Logics , cabling and cableschedules etc.───有SLD, 逻辑控制, 电缆线与电缆表的审阅经验.

13、As we pass the school in review, we can be proud of our many successes.───当我们回顾学校生活时, 我们对我们取得的许多成功感到骄傲.

14、The events of my past life passed in review before my eyes.───我过去生活中的事件一幕幕地呈现在眼前.

15、The troops have formed up in review order.───部队已排成检阅队形.

16、The audit results shall be recorded in < Review Form for Certificate Transfer > ( FP 0128 ).───评审结果应记录于《证书转换评审表》 ( FP0128 ).

in review相似词语短语

1、in my view───在我看来;我认为

2、in revolt───反抗;造反

3、in view───在视野范围内;在考虑中的;作为目标

4、to review───回顾;复习

5、in relief───显著地;鲜明地;浮雕一般;松了口气

6、rent review───租金调整

7、to preview───预览


9、mixed review───混合评论




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