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bumpercar(bumper cars中文翻译,bumper cars是什么意思,bumper cars发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

bumpercar(bumper cars中文翻译,bumper cars是什么意思,bumper cars发音、用法及例句)

1、bumper cars

bumper cars发音

英:  美:

bumper cars中文意思翻译


n.碰撞用汽车( bumper car的名词复数 ); 碰碰车

bumper cars双语使用场景

1、I like to drive bumper cars because it's exciting.───我喜欢开碰碰车因为它很激动人心.

2、Do you like the bumper cars, Dad? Kitty said.───“你喜欢碰碰车 吗 ?爸爸”基蒂问道.

3、We can have roller coasters, bumper cars and bungee jumpings.───我们可以坐过山车,开碰碰车,玩蹦极跳.

4、I want to ride in the bumper cars.───我想坐蹦蹦车.

5、I like to drive bumper cars.───我喜欢去开碰碰车。

6、1 like to play bumper cars.───我喜欢玩碰碰车。

7、My children had all the fun of the fair playing in the bumper cars.───我的几个孩子玩碰碰车,公平比赛,乐趣多多.

8、She was really interested in these bumper cars but she's too young to get on them.───小克对这些碰碰车很感兴趣,可惜她还太小,只能过过眼瘾.

9、Children's playground, there are landing on the moon rocket, bumper cars and other modern facilities.───儿童乐园里有登月火箭 、 碰碰车等现代化设施.

10、Oh, that's what I liked the best. It's like bumper cars! Really exciting!───噢, 这是我最喜欢的. 像开碰碰车一样! 超刺激!

11、I like to ride the bumper cars.───我喜欢坐碰碰车。

bumper cars相似词语短语

1、bumper guards───保险杠防撞块

2、hopper cars───[建]漏斗车;底卸式车辆

3、bumper jack───缓冲器千斤顶

4、bumper crop───丰收;丰产作物

5、bumper jacks───缓冲器千斤顶

6、bumper guard───保险杠防撞块


8、buffet cars───餐车

9、bumper car───n.碰碰车


Yesterday, we went to zhujiang Park with whole school teachers and students.We entered the park to see everywhere full of flowers, the road on both sides by tall Metasequoia. We all appreciate the beauty, she came to the playground. Amusement park roller coaster, bumper cars, carousel, Ferris wheel, pirate ship and so on. We get together enjoyable to play. Finally, we saw a four-dimensional movie. It was a happy and meaningful day

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