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build out(built out中文翻译,built out是什么意思,built out发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

build out(built out中文翻译,built out是什么意思,built out发音、用法及例句)

built out

built out发音

英:  美:

built out中文意思翻译



built out双语使用场景

1、If the zoo had built out of the city form the beginning, it would be far less famous.───如果当初动物园就建在城外的话,它也不会这么有名气了。(可用于。

2、Ginx appears to be a people and news recommendation service built out of a Twitter publishing tool and a URL shortener.───Ginx可能是一个好友和新闻推荐服务,是在Twitter发布工具和网址缩写工具基础上开发的。

3、Ten years later, the school built out two buildings.───十年后这个学校又增建了两栋建筑。

4、Cars are built out of non-cars.───汽车是由非汽车制造而来的。

5、classrooms were built out from the main block.───大楼边上又扩建了一些教室。

6、The invention of the ball built-in and built-out homojunction, the whole density homogeneity and locate accuracy in steel liquid.───本发明内外均质,整球密度均匀,在钢液中定位准确。

7、The house is built out of rubbish. It makes you think about recycling more often.───这所房子是由垃圾建成的,它会提醒你经常回收更多的垃圾。

8、It's a pity that the Chinese speed train were built out off the French offer as if Germans or Japanese could do better.───可惜中国高铁的建设没有用法国的技术,就好像德国或着日本的技术更好一样。

9、It should be built out of garbage if possible, and I would like a field of plastic bottle caps to surround it.───如果可能的话,它应该在一堆垃圾上构造,我希望它周围环绕着一堆塑料瓶盖。

built out相似词语短语

1、belt out───vi.引吭高歌

2、bought out───买下…的全部产权;出钱使…放弃地位

3、bulk out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出

4、butt out───不必多嘴;别管闲事

5、burnt out───燃尽;烧坏;疲倦不堪的

6、bucket out───v.用桶清空

7、spilt out───(使)溢出,(使)溅出;突然涌出;说出(真相、内情)

8、built up───组合

9、burst out───闯出来;突发;摆脱;大声喊叫

built…out of造句?

he built a room out of bottles.

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