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the shawl中文翻译,the shawl是什么意思,the shawl发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

the shawl中文翻译,the shawl是什么意思,the shawl发音、用法及例句

the shawl

the shawl发音

英:  美:

the shawl中文意思翻译



the shawl双语使用场景

1、Let me double over the shawl and put it round you.───让我把这披肩折起来围在你的身上。

2、"It's all right, " he resumed, casting a glance at the beggar-girl, as she coiled up under the shawl, "she's got a famous peel. "───“没有关系,”他一面说,一面对那蜷缩在披肩下的女叫化子望了一眼,“她这一身羽毛还不坏。”

3、And the shawl makes her look graceful!───而且披肩让她看起来很优雅呢!

4、Why the shawl on this hot day?" inquired Mitthu.───绨问凯蒂, “为什么在这么个大热天披个披肩呢?”

5、The shawl in which she had been loosely muffled, dropped onto her chair when she advanced to us.───刚才她起来迎接我们的时候,她那条随手披在肩上的披巾,就掉在椅子上了。

6、small gloved hand lay on her lap outside the shawl.───她把带着手套的小小的手放在她露在坎肩外的大腿上。

7、The company is a clothing company, the main product has the woolen sweater, the hat, the scarf, the shawl, glove five series.───公司是一家以生产服饰为主的公司,主要产品有毛衣,帽子,围巾,披肩,手套五个系列。

8、She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.───她用披肩把肩头裹紧以挡风。

9、Tucking the doll under her left arm and gathering the shawl with the same hand, she stood waiting patiently.───她左手夹着布娃娃,并拿着披肩,站着耐心地等候。

the shawl相似词语短语

1、the Law───摩西律法(等于LawofMoses);警察

2、the shakes───震动

3、the thaw───一年中河川或海港中之冰初次融解日

4、the Oval───椭圆形

5、the Ghan───n.汗号列车

6、the shield───盾牌

7、the Fall───(基督教)人类的堕落

8、the small───小的

9、the shades───夜色;阴间



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