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offer to do(offered to do中文翻译,offered to do是什么意思,offered to do发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

offer to do(offered to do中文翻译,offered to do是什么意思,offered to do发音、用法及例句)

offered to do

offered to do发音

英:  美:

offered to do中文意思翻译



offered to do双语使用场景

1、but that was the kind of thing you said when a stranger offered to do you a favor.───但那是一个陌生人提出帮你忙时你才说的那种话。

2、He kept asking if I thought he could receive a similar stipend if he offered to do translation work for Columbia.───科尔曼似乎对我翻译中国哲学并获得哥伦比亚大学津贴一事心存愤懑。

3、Chinese parents rarely question the decisions of teachers, but Ms. Yin sometimes offered to do homework for her daughter.───中国父母极少对老师的决定提出质疑,但尹建莉有时却主动为女儿写家庭作业。

4、Although Mr. Abhisit isn't required to call elections until late 2011, he has offered to do so earlier.───尽管在2011年底之前阿披实无需宣布举行大选,但他已提出将提前举行大选。

5、But that was the kind of thing you said when a stranger offered to do you a favor.───但那是一个陌生人提出帮你忙时你才说的那种话。

6、I offered to do it for nothing, for a minimum price and he still says no.───我主动提出做这个什么也不要,要最低的价,但他仍然说不。

7、The kids offered to do the dishes.───孩子们主动要求洗盘子。

8、Now you have offered to do it, as if it was nothing at all.───现在你主动提出要做这件事,好像这很微不足道。

9、He offered to do all the repairs, and all I had to do was either screw him or bake him a cake.───他答应帮我把一切都修好,只要我跟他ML或者给他烤个蛋糕。

offered to do相似词语短语


2、offer tips───提供提示

3、offer hope───提供希望

4、at liberty to do───自由地做

5、buffered solution───[化学]缓冲溶液

6、buttered toast───n.奶油土司

7、to feel obliged to do───感到有义务做

8、have to do───不得不做某事


offered 后接to do还是doing?

offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

The kids offered to do the dishes after supper.


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