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free beat中文翻译,free beat是什么意思,free beat发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

free beat中文翻译,free beat是什么意思,free beat发音、用法及例句

free beat

free beat发音

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free beat中文意思翻译



free beat双语使用场景

1、But of course you can’t beat the Devil. The Devil threw himself in to the fire, which he is quite used to, being from Hell, and finally the handle of the hammer burned off and the Devil was free.───可是魔鬼是打不坏的, 他跳进了火里--这在他倒是件平常的事, 因为他来自地狱--终于, 锤子的把柄被烧掉, 魔鬼自由了。

2、But for hotel perks, it's hard to beat the deal offered at the Four Seasons hotel Los Angeles, where your stay comes with the free use of a Mercedes, Porsche, or a BMW convertible.───但从酒店的特殊待遇来说,很难有人可以与洛杉矶的四季酒店相媲美。因为只要您住进四季酒店,就可以免费使用奔驰、保时捷和宝马,并且可以自由更换。

3、So when he heard that the new “peace police” force in the City of God slum was offering free karate classes, Mr. Bento signed up, hoping he would at least get to beat up the karate instructor.───所以当他听到上帝城贫民窟新的“维和警察”部队提供免费的空手道课程时,他报了名,希望至少可以痛扁这位空手道指导教练。

free beat相似词语短语

1、free reach───顺风航行

2、free beaches───免费海滩

3、free bid───免费投标

4、free sheet───无纤维纸

5、free agent───无自由约束的职业队员

6、free bids───免费投标

7、free beach───自由海滩

8、free state───[物]自由状态;游离状态

9、free gift───赠品

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