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sounds great中文翻译,sounds great是什么意思,sounds great发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

sounds great中文翻译,sounds great是什么意思,sounds great发音、用法及例句

sounds great

sounds great发音

英:  美:

sounds great中文意思翻译



sounds great双语使用场景

1、Sounds great. I can't wait to go there now, Mi Zhang.───听起来太好了. 我现在就迫不及待想去崂山,张小姐.

2、That sounds great. I'd really like to come.───听起来不错, 我很愿意来.

3、It'sounds great - but what if your customers don't buy that exotic fruit?───听起来不错 —— 但是如果你的客户不买外国水果 怎么办 ?

4、That sounds great but if there any opportunity to see your factory?───那样很好,但是我们能有机会去看厂 吗 ?

5、I'm sure that sounds great to you in your pimp world.───我肯定那个消息对你肮脏的你是件好事.

6、Sounds great! It's time to wear sweaters in Australia now.───太好了. 现在澳大利亚已经该穿羊毛衫了.

7、Wow! That sounds great! How often do you go jogging?───哇! 听起来真不错 呀 !你多久做一次慢跑 啊 !

8、A Your pronunciation is very good, Ping. Your English sounds great.───A你的发音非常好, 平. 你的英语听起来很好听.

9、That sounds great! Can your brother watch it with us?───好主意! 你弟弟可以跟我们一起看 吗 ?

10、J : It'sounds great. Do you know the order of medley relays?───听起来不错, 你知道混合泳接力赛的顺序 吗 ?

11、The band is breaking in a new backing vocalist, who sounds great.───该乐队在让一名听上去很棒的新伴奏歌手适应。

12、That sounds great. Deal me in!───这听起来太棒了。算我一个!

13、That sounds great. Where will you go when you get there?───听来不错. 你要去北京哪儿?

14、It'sounds great. 4 o'clock on Saturday. I'll be there.───听上去挺不错的. 星期六下午4点钟, 我准时到.

15、A long walk along the beach sounds great!───在海边漫步听起来似乎不错!

16、The band sounds great.───这个乐队听起来棒极了。

17、LeLe: That sounds great. But you raise a pet at home.───乐乐: 那听上去很好. 可是宠物是养在家里的.

18、Fifi: Whoa ~ sounds great! Besides use those products, what else should I beware?───哇ㄚ!听起来粉赞咧! 那除了使用这些产品外, 我还需注意甚麽 吗 ?

sounds great相似词语短语

1、sounding lead───n.[测]测深锤

2、sound head───声头

3、sounds out───试探…的意向

4、hounds teeth───猎犬的牙齿

5、rounds out───完成

6、sound a tad───听起来有点

7、sound gate───放声口,声门

sounds great和sounds good的区别?

这两个短语sounds great与sounds good没有区别,都是“听起来不错”的意思,它们都可以用于应答别人给你的建议。

如:Let's go for a picnic this Saturday. 我们周六去野餐吧。 Sounds great. / Sounds good. 听起来很不错。


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