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real time中文翻译,real time是什么意思,real time发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

real time中文翻译,real time是什么意思,real time发音、用法及例句

real time

real time发音

英:  美:

real time中文意思翻译



real time常用词组:

in real time───实时的;及时的;[口]立即

real time双语使用场景

1、You can now use your phone to translate speech in real time, having a conversation that would not have been possible in the past.───现在你可以使用手机进行实时语音翻译,进行一次过去无法实现的对话。

2、A collimating unit is designed for temperature feedback control in real time by using equilibrium techniques.───利用热平衡技术,设计了一套温度实时反馈控制的凖直装置.

3、The RTU using Linux as his operating system, So the real time and stabilization are strengthened.───远程终端应用Linux操作系统, 进一步增强了系统的实时性和稳定性.

4、This procedure for the MSP 430 MCU and real - time clock interface HT 1381 procedures, use of C language.───本程序为MSP430单片机和 实时 时钟HT1381的接口程序, 采用C语言编写.

5、The characteristics of microburst and its modeling requirements in real time flight simulation were analyzed.───分析了微下击暴流的特征和用于飞行实时仿真中的建模需求.

6、To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time.───为使训练真实,模拟是实时运行的。

7、It is now possible to hold a video conference in real time on a mobile phone.───现在有可能在移动电话上举行实时电视会议。

8、Do I really need a real - time operating system?───实时 操作系统对于我来讲真的须要 吗 ?

9、The actual period between launches will be decided in real - time as the mission occurs.───真正的发射间隔时间要在发射时 实时 决定.

10、Also illuminates configuration, connection and function of the real time management subsystem and so on.───对生产实时系统的结构配置 、 逻辑建立、接口情况及系统可以达到的功能进行了说明.

real time相似词语短语


2、meal time───用餐时间

3、dead time───停滞时间;窝工时间

4、lead time───n.提前期;订货至交货的时间;研制周期;交付周期

5、beat time───打拍子

6、real times───实时;同时

7、meal times───用餐时间







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