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on one's mind(in one s mind中文翻译,in one s mind是什么意思,in one s mind发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

on one's mind(in one s mind中文翻译,in one s mind是什么意思,in one s mind发音、用法及例句)

in one s mind

in one s mind发音

英:  美:

in one s mind中文意思翻译



in one s mind双语使用场景

1、Great faith is the ball of flame burning forever in one's mind.───信念,是蕴藏在心中的一团永不熄灭的火焰。

2、Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in one's mind can help preserve it in one's memory.───将信息处理为一副完整的画面存放在脑海里,可以帮助保持记忆。

3、He was at one of those moments when the thoughts which one has in one's mind are troubled. There was a sort of dark confusion in his brain.───这种思想紊乱的时刻,在他的脑子里有一种看不见的、来来去去的东西。

4、Petroleum is in one's mind, Neither in trap of geophysics nor in anomaly of geochemistry.───石油是在人的头脑中,不是在物探圈闭中,也不在化探异常中。

5、Many perceptions in one's lifetime and other conceptions in his past births have been stored in one's mind.───人一生之中的很多观念和过去生的其他的观念已储存在一个人的心理了。

6、In narrating a story or making a statement, some facts have to be stored in one's mind.───在叙述一个故事或发表声明时,一些事实是必须存放在一个人的心理的。

7、Unwittingly, I say, because Claude was the last person in the world who would consciously create such an image in one's mind.───我说了,她是无意的,因为她是全世界最不可能有意识地在别人心目中造成这样一种印象的女人。

in one s mind相似词语短语

1、on someone's mind───在某人的脑海里

2、in the mind───心里

3、in one's blood───天生就有的,骨子里存在的

4、change one's mind───改变主意

5、an open mind───虚心

6、to one's mind───合某人心意;根据某人意见

7、on one's mind───挂在心上,使人担心

on his mind 或是 in his mind 哪个用法对


In mind - Something I am thinking about(我在脑海中所想的,或者我意料之中的。)

On mind - something I am worrying or fretting about. Something I'd rather not have to think about. (我所担心的或者忧虑的。我能可不去想它的一些事)

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