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spilt milk中文翻译,spilt milk是什么意思,spilt milk发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

spilt milk中文翻译,spilt milk是什么意思,spilt milk发音、用法及例句

1、spilt milk

spilt milk发音

英:  美:

spilt milk中文意思翻译




spilt milk双语使用场景

1、The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.───牛奶在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂.

2、It's no use crying over spilt milk.───覆水难收.

3、She sponged up the spilt milk.───她用海绵将泼出的牛奶吸干了.

4、Be careful ! It is no use to cry over the spilt milk.───牛奶撒了,哭也没用. (牛奶已撒)

5、" There's no use crying over spilt milk,'she said. " It's too late. "───" 无法挽回的事,哭也没用了, " 她说, " 太迟了. ”

6、But rather than sitting there crying over spilt milk, begin to speak out positive options and solutions.───与其为倾倒的牛奶哭泣,不如开始说出那些积极的选择和方法。

7、He wiped up the spilt milk on the wooden floor.───他揩掉了泼在地板上的牛奶.

8、As the saying goes, It is no use crying over spilt milk.───俗话说: “覆水难收. ”

9、It ( There ) is no use crying over spilt milk.───为溅出的牛奶哭也没用. ( 覆水难收,悔恨无益. )

10、it's done, regrets are of no avail.; It's no use crying over spilt milk.───事已如此, 后悔也是枉然。

11、Don't mop up the spilt milk; the cat will lick it up.───泼出的牛奶用不着抹掉; 猫会把它舔掉的.

12、As the saying goes — it's no use crying over spilt milk.───常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。

13、It is no use crying over the spilt milk.───(比喻)往事已矣,痛苦也无补于事.

14、Don't cry over spilt milk. Unless you can cry milk.───不要为倒掉的牛奶哭泣, 除非你能哭出牛奶.

15、You have lost the game but don't cry over spilt milk.───比赛失败的,但伤心也是徒劳的.

16、There's no use crying over spilt milk.───无法挽回的事哭也无益.

17、She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth.───她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶.

18、Sue's mother told her there was no use crying over spilt milk.───苏的母亲告诉她,后悔是无济于事的.

spilt milk相似词语短语

1、salt mine───[矿业]盐矿;岩盐产地;岩盐坑

2、plant milk───植物乳

3、dried milk───奶粉

4、post mill───后磨机

5、ice milk───牛奶冻;冻牛乳

6、skim milk───脱脂牛奶

7、sour milk───酸乳;酸腐的牛奶

8、hot milk───热牛奶

9、skim milks───脱脂牛奶

2、it is no use to do与it is no use doing有什么区别?


It is no use doing sth释义:



t is no use crying over split milk.为泼掉的牛奶哭是毫无用处的。

It is no use arguing with me.和我争吵是毫无用处的。

It is no use regretting the past mistakes.后悔曾经的错误是毫无用处的。

It is no use to do sth  释义:做某事没用。


It's no use trying to excuse yourself.你自己解辩自己是没用的.

It's no use arguing.争辩是无用的.

It's no use complaining.抱怨没有用.


It is no use doing sth用法:


It is no use to do sth用法


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