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attention spans中文翻译,attention spans是什么意思,attention spans发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

attention spans中文翻译,attention spans是什么意思,attention spans发音、用法及例句

attention spans

attention spans发音

英:  美:

attention spans中文意思翻译



attention spans双语使用场景

1、Because this can be a long process for little kids that may have short attention spans, you might plant something new every week.───对于不容易集中注意力的孩子来说这会是一段漫长的过程,所以我们可以每周都种些不同的东西。

2、Computer use could be cutting attention spans, stifling imagination and hampering empathy," she said.───她说:“电脑会使注意力分散,扼杀想象力并阻碍同情心。”

3、As interactive media expands, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter every day.───随着交互媒介的扩展,注意力的持续时间日益缩短。

4、The rise of Bebo also undermined MySpace's dominance, while Twitter is among the latest novelties eating into users' attention spans.───Bebo的崛起也挑战了MySpace的主导地位,而最新的Twitter也在不断争夺用户注意力。

5、So we just gave up ghosts for the night (our attention spans couldn't handle nothing happening for that long).───于是我们便放弃了在那晚见到鬼魂的念头(我们的注意力可没办法忍受那么长时间的无事发生)。

6、You have to understand that children have short attention spans and do tire more easily.───你要清楚,孩子的注意广度不长,更容易感到厌倦。

7、Attention spans are getting shorter, while an increasing number of products and services compete for this ever-shrinking commodity.───人们注意力的宽度正在逐渐收窄,但在这个逐渐收缩的商场上却出现了越来越多的产品和服务。

8、It's not news that attention spans are short or that interest in an issue declines with media coverage (both traditional and social).───注意力的快速分散以及媒体对事件报道(传统的以及社会性的)的减少并不是什么新鲜事了。

9、Gamers also have better attention spans and information-processing skills than the average Joe has.───玩游戏者也比常人有更好的注意力广度和信息处理技巧。

attention spans相似词语短语

1、attention focuses───关注焦点




5、concentration spans───注意力持久度

6、attention span───[心理]注意广度;注意力的持续时间

7、attention given───给予的注意

8、attention line───注意线;指定收信人;警示线

9、attention lines───注意线;指定收信人;警示线



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