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in the same breath as中文翻译,in the same breath as是什么意思,in the same breath as发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

in the same breath as中文翻译,in the same breath as是什么意思,in the same breath as发音、用法及例句

1、in the same breath as

in the same breath as发音

英:  美:

in the same breath as中文意思翻译



in the same breath as双语使用场景

1、Governments often try to deal with the problems of nutrition in the same breath as the problems of starvation: by dishing out cheap food.───政府通常以与饥饿问题同样的方法来试图解决营养不良的问题:分发便宜的食物。

2、It is in the same breath as Mississippi, no different;───同时,这也像在密西西比河一样;

3、Humor doesn't typically come to mind in the same breath as depression.───幽默往往不会和消沉同一刻产生。

4、He is being talked about in the same breath as the famous artist, Picasso.───谈起他,人们总会把他同著名艺术家毕加索相提并论。

5、Nonetheless, that sovereign default is even being mentioned in the same breath as a big oil producer in a fast-growing region says something about Mr Chavez's economic stewardship.───虽然如此,政府停止偿还债务甚至在同一时期作为增长快速的产油大国对查韦斯总统的经济管理能力有所质疑。

in the same breath as相似词语短语

1、in the same canoe───在同一条独木舟里

2、in the face of sth───面对某事

3、in the same way───同样地;以同样的方式

4、in the hope of/that───希望

5、in the same boat───处境相同;面临同样的危险

6、in the name of sth───以某事物的名义

7、in the same direction───在同一个方向

8、in the same breath───同时

9、in the interest of───adv.为了;为了...的利益


1、One beggar is coming up to us for money

2、John becomes obsessed with earning money as he gets older

3、He told me that probed into this case is in vain,but in the same breath he wanted me to do it

4、He made a lot of money and just live well off then

5、She put away clothes into the closet

6、His behaviors created a bad impression for others

7、The residents who lived here before traded cooper to corn

8、He tried to persuade his whole family to subject to his decision

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