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nature made中文翻译,nature made是什么意思,nature made发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

nature made中文翻译,nature made是什么意思,nature made发音、用法及例句

1、nature made

nature made发音

英:  美:

nature made中文意思翻译



nature made双语使用场景

1、Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.───耶雅觉得她的雄心勃勃的个性使她不适合包办婚姻。

2、He said "I wish I could" as though some great and ineluctable act of nature made it impossible for him to be seen publicly with me.───他说“我希望我可以”,像是他不可能与我公开出现是自然而然的重要与不可避免的。

3、He smiled buck teeth smile, very expressive face and body, and his pure good nature made him very cute.───他露出龅牙的笑容,非常富有表现力的脸和身体,以及他纯真美好的天性使他非常可爱。

4、Around the turn of the century, nature made the decision to extend into human form.───在世纪转变的时刻,大自然决定延伸进入人类的形体。

5、Nature made ferns for pure leaves, to show what she could do in that line.───自然给纯粹的叶子提供了蕨类植物,是为了显示在那条路线她能做什么。

6、Nature made our bodies to stay healthy.───大自然的设计使我们的身体能保持在健康的状态。

7、Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure.───我的生活不能再经受失败,就像我的身体不能再忍受痛苦。

8、'My mother's sweet nature made up for her inability to cook, or even make a sandwich.───妈妈温顺的性情弥补了她不会做菜这个缺陷,她连三明治都不会做

9、Anakin's bold stance and daring nature made him into a popular figure among the Jedi and New Republic.───立场坚定、勇往直前的阿纳金在绝地武士团和新共和国中深得人心。

nature made相似词语短语

1、nature cure───自然疗法

2、nature walk───漫步大自然

3、nature cures───自然治愈

4、nature lover───热爱自然的人


6、nature trail───通往自然景观的小径

7、nature studies───n.粗浅的自然研究;自然课

8、nature walks───漫步大自然

9、nature study───n.粗浅的自然研究;自然课


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