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all too often(all too中文翻译,all too是什么意思,all too发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

all too often(all too中文翻译,all too是什么意思,all too发音、用法及例句)

1、all too

all too发音

英:  美:

all too中文意思翻译




all too双语使用场景

1、All too soon the party was over.───转眼之间,聚会就结束了。

2、All too often, they get bored, and seek refuge in drink and drugs.───太多的时候,他们觉得无聊就在酒精和毒品中寻求慰藉。

3、We all too easily point out our mothers' failings.───我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。

4、All too soon the stilted conversation ran out.───很快这种做作的交谈就结束了.

5、All too often they become enmeshed in deadening routines.───他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务之中。

6、She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health.───我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她太清楚了。

7、All too often he is spouting off about matters which should not concern him.───他经常滔滔不绝地谈论和自己无关的事。

8、We Spaniards have lined up against each other all too often.───我们西班牙人太爱窝里斗了。

9、She remembered it all too well.───她对这事记得极其清楚。

10、It's all too easy to be influenced by our parents.───我们容易受父母的影响.

11、It is all too easy to lose sight of what is happening on our own doorstep.───我们很容易无视身边之事。

12、Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer.───任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。

13、It was all too easy to believe it.───这太容易令人相信了。

14、We are all too pleased to listen to the opinions of other.───我们非常乐意听别人的意见.

15、We were all too polite to object.───我们都太客气了,没有反对。

16、Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured.───从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。

17、And the rest were all too terrified to reply.───其他海盗早已吓得说不出话来了.

18、He could picture all too easily the consequences of being caught.───他能很容易地想像被抓住的后果.

all too相似词语短语

1、all the───所有的

2、all for───完全赞成;急于得到

3、all the go───最流行的

4、all told───合计,总共

5、all on───n.(Allon)人名;(以、英)阿隆

6、fall to───开始,开始进食;着手干

7、only too───非常;实在

8、all of───adv.不少于;实足;……的全部

9、all that───那么;到那种程度

2、all too well什么意思

"all too well"是一个常用的短语,意思是非常熟悉或非常清楚。它强调对某种情况或事实有深刻的了解,或经历过某种经历。这个短语通常用于表达对一些负面或痛苦的经历的熟悉和理解。


- I know all too well the feeling of heartbreak.(我非常了解心碎的感觉。)

- She knows all too well the challenges of being a single parent.(她非常清楚当单亲父母面临的挑战。)

- He is all too well aware of the consequences of his actions.(他非常清楚自己行为的后果。)

总之,"all too well"表示对某种情况非常了解或熟悉,并通常暗示这种了解是通过亲身经历或观察获得的。

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