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linear combination中文翻译,linear combination是什么意思,linear combination发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

linear combination中文翻译,linear combination是什么意思,linear combination发音、用法及例句

1、linear combination

linear combination发音

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linear combination中文意思翻译



linear combination双语使用场景

1、This text realizes Optimal Linear Combination method basing on recognition confidence.───本文实现了基于分类器判决可靠度估计的最优线性集成方法.

2、Results Obtained some linear combination identities involving Hermite polynomials and parabolic cylinder function.───目的研究厄密多项式与抛物线柱函数线性组合的性质.

3、Relationship of the deficiencies of a kind of linear combination of meromorphic functions is discussed.───讨论一类亚纯函数线性组合的亏量关系,所得结论推广了已知结果.

4、This is called a linear combination, and it's the most fundamental operation in the whole course.───叫做线性组合, 这是整个课程中的最基础的运算.

5、It's asking us to find the right linear combination.───即找到正确的线性组合.

6、A new method of determining the indexes weight, named the linear combination assigning method, is presented.───给出了一种系统评价指标综合赋权方法——线性组合赋权法.

7、A linear combination.───一个线性组合。

8、and computes the linear combination as if the variable.───并且计算线性组合就像变量是基于10个字符的阿拉伯数字。

9、The properties a strong coupling magnetopolaron in polar crystals are studied a linear combination operator.───本文采用线性组合算符法研究极性晶体内强耦合磁极化子的特性.

10、It's a linear combination of the columns.───这是列向量的线性组合.

11、Linear combination of atomic orbitals into molecular orbitals.───原子轨道的线性叠加,成分子轨道。

12、Ok, so that idea of linear combination is crucial and also, we wanna about this question.───好了, 那个线性组合的思想是关键,同时我们要思考这个问题.

linear combination相似词语短语

1、potent combination───强效组合

2、colour combination───配色

3、ideal combination───理想组合

4、winning combination───最佳组合

5、lethal combination───致命组合

6、linear combinations───[数]线性组合

7、unlikely combination───不太可能的组合

8、flavour combination───风味组合

9、linear polarization───[光]线偏振;[计]线性极化


last two are correct

1)countexample: if it is a zero vector, unable to span

2) counterexample: vectors(1,1)(2,2)are distinct, but can not span to R^2

3) linear combination of u, u+v and u+v+w iff linear combination of u,v, and w, therefore, correct


5)thest two vectors are linearly independent, hence spans R^2

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