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hard-wired(hard wired中文翻译,hard wired是什么意思,hard wired发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

hard-wired(hard wired中文翻译,hard wired是什么意思,hard wired发音、用法及例句)

hard wired

hard wired发音

英:  美:

hard wired中文意思翻译





hard wired双语使用场景

1、They're just not hard - wired that way.───他们天生就不擅此道.

2、We are hard - wired as a species, to connect to stories.───我们人类牢牢地被联系在故事上.

3、In any case, the fairly conclusive evidence is that in a variety of ways, we are hard wired to recognize things.───无论如何,总结性的证据是,以各种各样的方式,我们生来就与认知事物密切相关。

4、In fact, some recent research suggests that we're actually hard - wired for helping.───事实上, 最近的一些研究表明,我们实际上有帮助别人的本能.

5、To what extent are mental processes hard - wired into the neural architecture of the brain?───精神过程在多大程度上连接到大脑的神经元结构?

6、Parents are hard - wired to keep their child alive at all costs.───父母天生地会不惜一切代价挽救自己孩子的生命.

7、Others think that the rules for what is "musical" are hard-wired in our brains to some degree.───其他人认为,我们的大脑对什么东西是“悦耳的”在某种程度上有其内在的标准。

8、The " hard - wired'system is similar in operation to the ALS system.───“ 硬线”系统与ALS系统在远行方面相同.

9、The Application is not hard wired to a particular database system.───本程序并不与特定的数据库系统绑定.

10、The computer can be preprogrammed ( hard - wired ) to draw macros.───计算机可按预编程序 ( “硬线化” ) 绘出宏指令表示的内容.

11、Instinct is a hard - wired response that involves no conscious thought.───本能是不需要意识参与的固有反映,直觉比本能更高一点.

12、Playing is hard - wired and it certainly fosters a lot of good things happening in the brain.───玩是与生俱来的,它培养了我们大脑里发生的很多好的事情.

13、Unipolar controllers can only connect or disconnect a cable, because the voltage is already hard wired.───单极控制器只能连接或断开接线, 因为电源接线是固定的.

14、The one thing a human baby hard - wired into its system is the ability to cry.───人类婴孩唯一的生存本能就是啼哭.

15、In a memo circulated this week, the Fed complained that the bill's language is too "hard wired", leaving insufficient room to tweak rules as markets evolve.───在这周传阅的一份备忘录中,美联储抱怨说,该法案的语言太“强搬硬套”,没有留下足够的空间来调整规则以适应市场的发展。

hard wired相似词语短语




4、hard worker───勤奋工作者

5、hard winter───严冬

6、hard boiled───(鸡蛋)煮得老的;强硬的;辣手神探(**名,HardBoiled)




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