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sign in中文翻译,sign in是什么意思,sign in发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

sign in中文翻译,sign in是什么意思,sign in发音、用法及例句

sign in

sign in发音

英:  美:

sign in中文意思翻译



通过签字(使)取得入场权; 签到; 画到

sign in双语使用场景

1、Every girl must sign in when she comes back to the dormitory.───每个女生回到宿舍的时候都必须签到.

2、In the meantime, would you sign in and register your ability?───同时你能签下表格以便登记你的超能力 吗 ?

3、Every student must sign in when he comes back to the college.───每个学生回到学校都必须签到.

4、Place a HELP sign in your window if you need assistance.───如果需要帮助,请在你家窗户上张贴'请求帮助'的字样.

5、Cannot include non - English character or sign in file path of rules.───规则程序路径中不能有中文或其他 非 英文字母、符号.

6、The contract will be ready to sign in two weeks.───这份合同两周后即可签字。

7、It imply the illegal word sign in the data.───数据中含有非法字符.

8、Chang: You have a bad sign in your wealth sector.───小张: 你的财帛宫有颗不好的星.

9、Sign - in and staging area at the race site ( Shanghai Airport Championship Course ) .───签到及比赛场地位于浦东机场 2005 锦标赛处.

10、All the participants were required to sign in as they entered the hall to attend the meeting.───出席会议的人在进入大厅前均须签到.

11、Enter your sign - in name for your Instant Communications server.───为即时通信服务器输入您的登录名.

12、The shop had a sign in the window: "Have your cards read here, $25."───那家商店的窗户上有个招牌,写着:“算命,$25”。

13、Lastly, I discuss the effective method of visual sign in graphic design.───最后, 探讨平面设计中的符号语言最有效的传播方法.

14、Sign - in and staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.───签到和集合点在紫竹科技园停车场的对面.

15、Objective : To evaluate the sentinel clot sign in blunt upper abdominal trauma.───目的: 探讨急性上腹部钝挫伤哨兵血块征的价值.

16、Clerk : Yes, you can't miss it. There's a big sign in front of it.───对, 你不会错过的. 酒家正门挂着一块很大的招牌.

17、All visitors must sign in on arrival.───来客均须签到。

18、Did you read the sign in front of you?───你看过在你前面的告示 吗 ?

sign in相似词语短语

1、sign on───开始广播;签约雇用


3、signs on───开始广播;签约雇用

4、signed in───签到;注册;登记;签收

5、signs in───签到;注册;登记;签收

6、sign up───签约雇用,签约参加



sign in ; 本义签到,出现在网站上一般是登录的意思

check in有入住宾馆的意思,反义词组是check out.

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