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globaltimes(global times中文翻译,global times是什么意思,global times发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

globaltimes(global times中文翻译,global times是什么意思,global times发音、用法及例句)

1、global times

global times发音

英:  美:

global times中文意思翻译



global times双语使用场景

1、Source: Global Times [10:08 November 12 2010]───来源:环球时代 2010年11月12日 10:08

2、I was terrified," Niu Xiuping, 71, told the Global Times.───我受到了惊吓。

3、The Global Times, a newspaper published by the Communist Party, said the fleet could consist of two cruisers and one large supply ship.───由**发行的环球时报报道,舰队可能由两艘巡洋舰和一艘大型补给舰组成。

4、An employee at a Beijing Apple store told the Global Times that Apple has not made such legitimate i Phone covers for the moment.───一位北京苹果零售店的员工在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,苹果公司目前尚未开始正式生产这类iPhone外壳。

5、'They normally would work eight hours a day for an entire month without a day off, ' the Global Times quoted one boss as saying.───《环球时报》援引一位老板的话报导说,他们通常每天工作八小时,连续一整月,一天都不休息。

6、The stalled traffic stretched between Jining in Inner Mongolia and Huai'an in Hebei province, north-west of Beijing, said the Global Times.───在北京的西北边,堵塞的交通从内蒙古集宁延伸至河北怀安,全球时报说。

7、Hers is the kind of soft power that cannot be concocted by the editorial staff at People's Daily or Global Times.───她所展现的那种软实力,绝不是《人民日报》或《环球时报》的编辑们所能杜撰出来的。

8、It strikes me that the author tries very hard to cover up the fact that she cannot read the Global Times in Chinese.───作者拼命掩饰自己其实并不能阅读中文版的《环球时报》,这令我吃惊。

global times相似词语短语

1、global fame───全球知名度

2、global rules───全应规则;全局规则

3、local times───[天]当地时间


5、garbage times───无效时间

6、local time───[天]当地时间

7、global crisis───全球性危机


9、global sales───全球销售


1、As scientists have predicted, that human beings are facing with the global pollution became one of the most serious problems.

2、Seek the position of the competition is very keen-this year's job seekers is five times as last year.

3、As the facts show that, that education outline shall conform to the national economic development plan.

4、The car is too fee oil , and the price is almost I'd like to pay for two times.

5、To understand a major international events together, we first need to consider its historical and political background.

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