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intest(in tests中文翻译,in tests是什么意思,in tests发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

intest(in tests中文翻译,in tests是什么意思,in tests发音、用法及例句)

1、in tests

in tests发音

英:  美:

in tests中文意思翻译



in tests双语使用场景

1、For nicotine, that level was a mere 1. 8 nanograms per milliliter -- too low to be picked up in tests.───对于尼古丁,仅仅是1.8毫微克每毫升,太低而不易提取。

2、The craft proved able to dive to a depth of a few metres in tests, but was so heavy it could only make short hops into the air.───事实证明,该飞行器在实验中能潜入水中几米,但它太笨重了,仅能在空中随便翻腾几下就掉下来了。

3、Then as time permits, you can go through and fill in tests.───然后当时间允许时,您再检查并补充这些测试。

4、In tests, deep scratches made with a razor blade took less than a minute to close up, the journal Nature reports.───《自然》杂志报道,在测试中,剃须刀片造成的刮痕在不到一分钟只能就修复了。

5、In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.───在试验中,蜜蜂们被放到一英里之外的田地中后,寻找到回家的路。

6、The failure rate in tests is less than 1%.───依据试验得出的未爆率低于1%。

7、My teachers and classmates looked at me with new eyes until I prevail against the competitions and get excellent grades in tests.───但后来,当我一次次在比赛中获胜并且考试不断取得优异成绩的时候,老师和同学不得不对我刮目相看。

8、In addition, researchers trying to develop treatments may be able to use this biomarker in tests to assess how effective a new drug is.───此外,研究人员试图开发的治疗方法也许可以在测试中使用的生物标志物来评估一种新的药物是如何有效。

9、In tests off the coast of Portugal last winter, Grex-capable vehicles were able to assemble into formation and perform "swarm" tasks.───在2009年冬季于葡萄牙沿岸进行的测试中,Grex水下机器人集合成一个编队,执行“群任务”。

in tests相似词语短语

1、blind tests───盲测(不加标识的商品测验)

2、skin tests───皮肤反应测验

3、acid tests───严峻的考验;酸性试验;决定性考验

4、in tears───流着泪;含着泪

5、tine tests───叉试

6、Dick tests───[免疫]狄克氏试验

7、sign tests───[统计]符号检验;[计]符号测试

8、chin rests───(提琴面缘上的)腮托

9、Binet tests───比内测验(世界上第一个正式的心理测验)

2、in laboratory testing中文翻译

Standard guide for use of pghting in laboratory testing


Working experience in laboratory testing is a plus ( third party / government )


With the development of technology in research , the number of animals used in laboratory tests will greatly decpned


Testing of rubber - determination of resistance to ozone cracking - part 2 : reference method for determining ozone concentration in laboratory test chambers


Standard test methods for rubber deterioration - reference and alternative method for determining ozone level in laboratory test chambers


Rubber vulcanized of thermoplastic . resistance to ozone cracking . reference and alternative methods for determining ozone concentration in laboratory test chambers


Rubber , vulcanized or thermoplastic - resistance to ozone cracking - reference and alternative methods for determining the ozone concentration in laboratory test chambers


In laboratory tests going back 40 years scientists have shown that direct electrical stimulation of the brain ' s pleasure centers is just as good or even better

在40年前的实验室实验中,科学家们就证明了对大脑的愉悦中心进行电 *** 可以起到同样或更好的作用。

Portuguese scientists said they had developed an experimental vaccine against tooth decay which was successful in laboratory tests on rats and could pave the way for a version that works for humans


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