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boarding passes中文翻译,boarding passes是什么意思,boarding passes发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

boarding passes中文翻译,boarding passes是什么意思,boarding passes发音、用法及例句

boarding passes

boarding passes发音

英:  美:

boarding passes中文意思翻译




boarding passes双语使用场景

1、Online check-in allows you to print boarding passes and head straight for departures.───你可以在网上登记打印登机牌,到机场后就可以直接登机。

2、Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online.───许多航空公司现在允许乘客在网上打印登机牌了。

3、Kiosks can be used to check in for flights, print boarding passes, select or change seats, and check bags.───亭可以用来检查,在飞行上打印登机牌,选择或改变座位,并检查袋。

4、United Airlines introduced mobile check-in and mobile boarding passes from certain airports in the U. S.───最近,美联航(UnitedAirlines)在美国的数个机场引进了手机值机和手机登机牌服务。

5、The biggest challenge, says Finnair, is the airport authorities' requirements for paper boarding passes at the airport service points.───芬兰航空表示,最大的挑战是机场管理局要求在机场服务口必须有纸质登机牌。

6、GS : Okay, here are your boarding passes. Please make sure your luggage passes through the X-ray machine before you board the plane.───好的,这是你们的登机证。请在登机前确认你们的行李通过X光检测机。

7、Attendant F : Your boarding passes . And your departure card . Please fill it out and hand it in at the Immigration desk.───地勤人员:这是您的登机牌。这是您的出境卡。请将填好的出境卡交给移民局出入境检查台。

8、Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online to save their valuable time.───许多航空公司现在允许乘客在线打印登机牌,以节省宝贵的时间。

9、We show our boarding passes.───我们出示我们的登机证。

boarding passes相似词语短语

1、boarding fees───住宿费

2、boarding kennels───寄宿犬舍

3、boarding parties───寄宿聚会


5、boarding cards───乘车证;乘客证(boardingcard的名词复数)

6、boarding party───登船搜查或攻击的人员

7、boarding house───n.公寓;寄宿处,供膳寄宿处

8、boarding pass───n.登机证

9、boarding houses───n.公寓;寄宿处,供膳寄宿处

boarding passes是什么意思?

boarding passes登机牌 网络释义1. 登机牌例句:1.Consumers can expect airlines that offer mobile barcode boarding passes, hotels offering mobile payments for on-site charges and otas launching geo-aware travel promotions. 消费者将可以期待,航空公司都使用移动条形码登机牌,酒店启用移动支付技术当场收取费用,以及在线旅行社推出移动定位的旅游促销活动。

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