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feel sorry for中文翻译,feel sorry for是什么意思,feel sorry for发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

feel sorry for中文翻译,feel sorry for是什么意思,feel sorry for发音、用法及例句

feel sorry for

feel sorry for发音

英:  美:

feel sorry for中文意思翻译




feel sorry for双语使用场景

1、I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.───我很同情在这种天气还得开车的人.

2、I feel sorry for that poor child.───我为那个可怜的孩子感到难过。

3、I can't help but feel sorry for him.───我只能为他感到难过.

4、I feel sorry for him.───我为他感到可惜。

5、I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.───我并不为卡尔感到难过。他了解实情,他知道他必须做什么,但又没能做成。

6、Don't feel sorry for yourself.───不要可怜自己.

7、I feel sorry for not giving you a quick reply.───迟复为歉.

8、Hung - chien said , " I really feel sorry for her. "───辛楣 道: “ 她也真可怜 —— ”

9、Don't you feel sorry for him, sometimes? "───你是不是有时候也为他感到难过? ”

10、It's so easy to feel sorry for oneself.───人很容易为自己感到委屈。

11、You do nothing else but feel sorry for yourself.───你就知道一味地为自己难过!

12、I feel sorry for you.───我为你感到惋惜.

13、Do you feel sorry for Miss Sun because she's mismatched to me? "───孙小姐可怜,是不是因为她错配了我? ”

14、I feel sorry for whoever marries her!───无论谁娶她我都会替那个人感到惋惜.

15、Why should I feel sorry for the guy?───“我为什么应该对他表示歉意 呢 ?

16、I feel sorry for her.───我为她感到遗憾.

17、I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.───我不为卡尔感到难过。他了解情况。他知道自己必须做什么但却没能做成。

feel sorry for相似词语短语

1、feeling for───同情;摸索

2、be good for───有益于;对…有好处

3、be spoken for───已有人拥有所有权的;已被预订的

4、feel strongly about───对…抱强硬态度

5、feels for───同情;摸索

6、feel safer───感觉安全吗

7、feel for───同情;摸索

feel sorry for和feel sorry about的区别?

feel sorry about 是关于什么感到抱歉;feel sorry for 因为什么而抱歉

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