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taking up中文翻译,taking up是什么意思,taking up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

taking up中文翻译,taking up是什么意思,taking up发音、用法及例句

taking up

taking up发音

英:[ˈteɪkɪŋ ʌp]  美:[ˈteɪkɪŋ ʌp]

英:  美:

taking up中文意思翻译



taking up双语使用场景

1、Increasingly, more winemakers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir.───越来越多的葡萄酒商开始接受种植“黑比诺”葡萄的挑战。

2、The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief.───继承其前辈封地的人须交纳一笔“接替费”.

3、This skirt will need taking up, ie to be taken up.───这条裙子需要改短.

4、The fireplace projects from the wall rather too far into the room, taking up a lot of space.───壁炉伸出墙外太远, 占去了屋里不少地方.

5、Better still , consider taking up meditation, a great way to dissolve stress.───冥想或许是更好的选择, 这是个消解压力的好方法.

6、This skirt needs taking up.───这条裙子需要改短。

7、a candlestick, he touched the wick to a lighted taper.───他举起烛台,触摸一根燃着的蜡烛的烛芯。

8、And the information exchange with the singularity is taking up a lot of my attention.───奇异的信息交换吸引了我的注意.

9、The girl is taking up with the Smith boys.───这女孩开始与史密斯家的男孩们交往.

10、Move over, please: you are taking up more than half the bench!───请挪过去点, 你占了大半张凳子啦!

11、Alexander threatens to stand in your way if you insist on taking up the same profession as his.───亚历山大威胁说,如果你坚持要从事和他一样的职业,他会从中作梗.

12、Increasingly, more wine-makers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir.───越来越多的酿酒商开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。

13、For hostile people, the diceloaded when it comes to taking up smoking.───对性格冲动的人而言, 一旦抽烟就很难戒得掉.

14、Taking up the challenge, he wrote an article to refute his erroneous views.───他接受挑战, 写了一篇文章驳斥他的错误观点.

15、He did not agree to Eason taking up the job.───他不赞成伊森承担这项工作.

16、How could he contemplate taking up the same function?───他怎么能企图从事同样的功能?

17、"No, no, no," says Damon, taking up where Dave left off.───“不,不,不,”戴蒙说,然后从戴夫停下的地方接着说。

18、Since taking up writing romance in 1967 she has brought out over fifty books.───自1967年开始写爱情小说起,她已经出了50多本书了。

taking up相似词语短语

1、stacking up───堆积;累计;加起来

2、raking up───重提;耙在一起

3、tanking up───灌满油箱;喝大量的酒

4、talking up───v.宣扬;热烈地讨论;夸大

5、waking up───醒来;唤醒(wakeup的ing形式)

6、making up───装配;缝制

7、taping up───胶带粘上

take up用作占有的意思有什么特定句型吗?即如果想用它造句应该按照什么句式去造?

take up 是个短语动词,不限于特定句型。


This work has taken up most of Sunday. 这项工作占用了大半个周日。

Your books are taking up too much space here. 你的书占了这里太多的地方。

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