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red book中文翻译,red book是什么意思,red book发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

red book中文翻译,red book是什么意思,red book发音、用法及例句

red book

red book发音

英:  美:

red book中文意思翻译


(十九世纪)贵族名鉴,缙绅录 (废)英国官员录


red book双语使用场景

1、The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.───检查员很尽职地在一本大红册子上记下了日期。

2、Would you mind giving me that red book?───你介不介意把那本红色的书递给我.

3、Put the red book on ( the ) top of the others.───把 红皮书 放在其他书的上面.

4、I will read this red book. Which one will you read?───我要看这本红色封面的书. 你要看哪一本?

5、The Red Book. By C.G. Jung.───红书.卡尔.荣格著.

6、The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.───巡视员尽职地在一本红色的大工作簿上记录下了日期。

7、Would you mind - giving me that - red - book?───你把那本红皮书给我,好 吗 ?

8、A pencil, a ruler A little red book.───一支铅笔, 一把尺子.一本小小的红色的书.

9、After a moment he searched through a stack and handed me a dark - red book fairly thick.───过了一会儿,他从一堆书中找出一本递给我,封面是深红色的,挺厚的一本.

10、The red book is on top and the black one underneath.───红皮书在上,黑皮书在下.

11、This is a little red book.───这是一本小红书。

12、The red book is our teacher's.───红色的书是我们老师的.

red book相似词语短语

1、road book───道路指南

2、red bone───美洲赤狗(一种常用以捕捉浣熊的猎犬)

3、new book───新书


5、red bark───n.金鸡纳树皮,红色金鸡纳树皮

6、rent book───租金簿

7、red books───英国官员录;贵族名鉴,缙绅录


你好!usa redbook美国红皮书

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