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团建英语(in a group中文翻译,in a group是什么意思,in a group发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

团建英语(in a group中文翻译,in a group是什么意思,in a group发音、用法及例句)

1、in a group

in a group发音

英:  美:

in a group中文意思翻译



in a group双语使用场景

1、Are you most productive working alone or in a group?───您喜欢自己单打独斗还是多人合作的工作方式?

2、Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface.───金鱼聚在一起贴着水面懒洋洋地游着。

3、Type in a group search string and press ENTER. Wildcards are allowed.───键入字符串并按回车键开始在组中搜索. 允许使用通配符.

4、We'd better go in a group, not individually.───最好集体去, 不要单个儿去.

5、Five women in a group of 18 people is a pathetically small number.───18个人中5位女性是个小得可怜的数目。

6、The men lived in a group of buildings joined together by tunnels.───人们成组地生活在由隧道连接的建筑里.

7、I stand out in a group interview.───在集体面试中脱颖而出.

8、Rachel : Well are we all together? Like in a group?───哦,我们都在一起 吗,像个团体似的?

9、Zhang Hai , Liu Hong and Gu Ming worked in a group.───张海 、 刘红和顾明在一组工作.

10、'd better go in a group, not individually.───最好集体去,不要单个儿去。

11、Usually drunk in a group.───通常很多人在一起喝。

12、Ling Tao stood out in a group interview.───林涛在集体面试中脱颖而出.

13、Five women in a group of 18 people is a pathetically small number.───18人的小组中只有5个女性,真是少得可怜。

14、The children were taught individually, not in a group.───孩子们被个别教授, 而不是一起上课.

15、The job candidates will face off in a group interview this afternoon.───求职者今天下午将会在一场集体面试中竞争角逐.

16、Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?───你喜欢单独去旅游还是跟团队去旅游? 为什么?

17、I hate being the center of attention in a group.───你不喜欢作为被关注的中心人物吗?

18、Q : Would you rather be a solo artist or in a group?───你比较喜欢成为一位歌手还是合唱团中的一员?

in a group相似词语短语

1、join a group───加入一个团体



4、in a row───连续;成一长行

5、benzal group───苯扎族

6、fringe group───边缘人群,边缘团体

7、form a group───形成一个小组;形成一个群体

2、studying in groups 英语作文已及翻译

studying in groups的中文翻译_百度翻译

studying in groups





n. 组( group的名词复数 ); 小型流行音乐演奏组;

v. 使成群,集合( group的第三人称单数 ); 分类,归类;

[例句]I had comments from people in all age groups.


[其他] 原型: group

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