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bookforyou(book for you中文翻译,book for you是什么意思,book for you发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

bookforyou(book for you中文翻译,book for you是什么意思,book for you发音、用法及例句)

1、book for you

book for you发音

英:  美:

book for you中文意思翻译



book for you双语使用场景

1、Finally, I'm really sorry that I failed to borrow the book for you .───最后没能帮你们借到那本书真的很遗憾。

2、We will also provide a Student's Book for you to review and practise all the lessons.───您可以根据学生练习册来复习和练习所学的全部课程。

3、I ordered a book for you.───我为你订了本书。

4、I fail to find it, I will get a new book for you.───找不到,我只好买一本新的还您。

5、Oh, yes, it has. Shall I keep this book for you when its' returned?───噢,是的。这本书还回来时,我帮你保存好吗?

6、are looking specifically to work with a database then this is the book for you.───这本书适合正在求职,特别是从事数据库工作者。

7、You must have read this book, for you are so familiar with the details of it.───你肯定读过这本书,因为你对它的细节很熟悉。

8、If you will bear with me a little longer, I'm sure I can find the book for you.───如果你耐心再等我一下,我一定能把那本书找出来给你的。

9、If Jim said he'd get that book for you, he'll do it; he always keeps his word.───如果吉姆说过要把书给你带来,他就一定会的;他总是说话算话。

book for you相似词语短语

1、book scorpion───书蝎子

2、good for you───真是了不起,还不错哟,你真行

3、bully for you───欺负你

4、good on you───祝贺你

5、book early───提前预定

6、bullies for you───欺负你的人

7、book of hours───祈祷书

8、bullied for you───为你受欺负

9、back forty───后四十




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