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wander off中文翻译,wander off是什么意思,wander off发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

wander off中文翻译,wander off是什么意思,wander off发音、用法及例句

1、wander off

wander off发音

英:  美:

wander off中文意思翻译




wander off双语使用场景

1、Your mind will wander off into thoughts such as Am I doing this right?───你的思想将会游离开来想到诸如我这样做是对的 吗 ?

2、They will wander off and get a cup of coffee or switch to a different application.───他们会走神,去取杯咖啡或者跳到其程序中.

3、Using hold - fire stance also guarantees that your Firehawks will not wander off into 30 pit bulls!───施用 停火 仪态同样可以包管它们不会没事跑进30辆斗犬堆里!

4、How could they just let her wander off alone like this?───我奇怪她的爸爸妈妈在哪里,他们怎么能让她这样独自一人闲逛 呢 ?

5、If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.───如果你在远方彷徨不定.我的爱会带你回家.

6、He does not wander off the path, and keeps strategies and communications simple, clear, direct, and useful.───他不迷路,并且保持简单、清楚、直接,且有用的策略和沟通。

7、She suffered sleep traumas and would often wander off when in public.───她有睡眠障碍的问题,常常在公开场合乱走走丢.

8、But let us not wander off course.───但是我们也不要再瞎想了。

9、Don't wander off the point again!───别又离题!

10、Don't wander off too far, children; I want you to remain within earshot.───孩子们,不要跑开得太远, 我要你们就呆在附近.

11、When in Capri , don't wander off the beach in a bikini.───当你在卡普里的时候, 不要随意的观望沙滩边的比基尼.

12、Wait here , and don't wander off. " Just outside the station were some vendors.───我看那边月台的栅栏外有几个卖东西的等着顾客.

wander off相似词语短语

1、hands off───不干涉的;请勿动手;别动

2、handed off───不可触摩;切换,转换

3、made off───v.逃走;离开;匆忙离开

4、fended off───v.避开;挡开

5、taper off───逐渐变细;逐渐减少

6、hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换



“离开”的英文单词:leave , depart from , deviate from 短语 结账离开 check out ; Checking out ; Paying the Bill 匆忙离开 hurry off ; bolt out ; Cut And Run ; fly the coop 离开这里 From here please ; on anywhere but here ; get out of here ; Get away from here 离开吧 Crying Ver ; departure lounge 结帐离开 check-out ; out ; checking out ; check out of hotel 离开的 removed ; off-lying ; outgoing ; ABN Abandoned 永不离开 There is no denying ; Never depart from 离开原处 wander off 离开时间 departure time ; ltime ; time left ; left time

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