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first and foremost什么意思(first and foremost中文翻译,first and foremost是什么意思,first and foremost发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

first and foremost什么意思(first and foremost中文翻译,first and foremost是什么意思,first and foremost发音、用法及例句)

first and foremost

first and foremost发音

英:  美:

first and foremost中文意思翻译



首要的; 第一

first and foremost双语使用场景

1、Great engineers first and foremost want to solve the problem on their own.───卓越的程序员的第一反应是我要自己解决这个问题.

2、First and foremost, reduce uncertainty.───首先, 减少不确定性.

3、First and foremost because for years we have practised very prudent sound financial policies.───首要因素是,我们过去多年一直奉行十分审慎完善的理财政策.

4、All of these are marketing decisions first and foremost.───所有这些都是市场营销的首要决定.

5、The life history of the individual is first and foremost.───个人的生活史首先就是.

6、She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.───她首先是丈夫的知己。

7、He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19 th century mold.───他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家.

8、It is first and foremost a trade agreement.───它首先是一项贸易协定。

9、First and foremost, forget about the software for a minute.───首先, 也是最重要的,先忘记软体这个东西吧!

10、Work therefore is desirable, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom.───因此人们愿意工作, 首先是工作可以防止无聊感.

11、He does a little teaching, but first and foremost he's a writer.───他干一点教学,但首要的是写作。

12、He was first and foremost a hired killer.───他首先是一个职业杀手.

13、He was a singer, but first and foremost a scholar.───他是个歌手, 但他主要是一位学者.

14、He's written many different kinds of books, but he's first and foremost a poet.───他写过许多不同性质的书, 但他基本是位诗人.

15、First and foremost, our goal is to educate the children.───我们的首要目的是教育孩子.

16、First and foremost, do not ever call your ex in case you get lonely.───首先最重要的一点是, 如果你孤独了不要打电话给你的前妻或前夫.

17、Hamburg is first and foremost a port , and so the extravaganza took place on the water.───汉堡大部分地区是海港.所以欢庆将在水上进行.

18、First and foremost, it has failed in its duty of oversight.───首先, 他失去了监察政府之职.

19、First and foremost, we need to sustain steady and fast economic growth and inflation under control.───首先, 经济要保持平稳较快发展,抑制通货膨胀.

20、First and foremost, you should eat more healthy food like vegetables and fruits and avoid junk food.───首先,你应该多吃一些健康的食物,例如蔬菜和水果,不要吃垃圾食品。

21、Some tourists do visIt'southampton but the city is first and foremost a port, not a resort.───有些观光者确实去参观南安普敦,不过那个城市首先是一个港口, 不是一个胜地.

22、It is first and foremost a trade agreement.───这首先是一个贸易协议。

23、Independence offers many advantages, the first and foremost of which is self - determination .───独立带来很多好处, 首先也是最重要的是 自决.

24、I see myself, first and foremost, as a working artist.───我首先还是把自己看作一名艺术工作者。

25、He was first and foremost a scholar.───首先,他是一位学者.

26、First and foremost the sex education program has been banned by 12 Indian states.───首先,印度的十二个州邦都禁止了性教育的项目.

27、Vegetation restoration is the first and foremost work in the process of restoration of degraded ecosystem.───植被恢复是退化生态系统恢复与重建的首要工作.

28、Locke stressed that he is , first and foremost, an American.───骆强调他首先是美国人.

29、The first and foremost one is no basis in reality, as net love.───首当其冲的是缺少现实基础, 譬如网恋.

30、First and foremost, the project needed to be approved.───最重要的是, 该项目需要得到批准.

31、Take your time , be aloof and most of all offer friendship first and foremost.───从容不迫, 冷淡一点,首先从建立友谊开始.

32、First and foremost the refugees needed food.───难民们首先需要食物.

33、First and foremost is the question of knowledge.───首先是认识问题.

first and foremost相似词语短语

1、first in, first out───先进先出


3、first past the post───(选举制度)以得票最多(但不一定超过半数)在选举中获胜


5、first-aid workers───急救人员

6、first-aid boxes───急救箱

7、first and last───总的说来,整体看来;彻头彻尾,始终;主要地;完全

8、first-aid post───急救站

9、first forms───第一范式

first and foremost用法?

1.He does a little teaching, but first and foremost he's a writer.他干一点教学,但首要的是写作。

2.I see myself, first and foremost, as a working artist.我首先还是把自己看作一名艺术工作者。

3.It is first and foremost a trade agreement.这首先是一个贸易协议。

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