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isn't it(isnt it中文翻译,isnt it是什么意思,isnt it发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

isn't it(isnt it中文翻译,isnt it是什么意思,isnt it发音、用法及例句)

isnt it

isnt it发音

英:  美:

isnt it中文意思翻译



isnt it双语使用场景

1、The rich vote for a tax cut for the rich. Surprising­ , isnt it?───富人投票通过富人的减税协议,真的那么令人吃惊么?

2、After travelling, I realise there are a million things to do. . . isnt it ironic?───在旅行过后,我才发觉有一大堆事情等着我去作……这不是很讽刺吗?

3、Juliet Hulme: [admiring the view that includes the path down the hill, where the murder occurred] Isnt it beautiful?───朱丽叶·休默:[不雅观赏着眼前的风景,包含通往山下的小路,稍后的谋杀正是产生在这条路上]很美,不是吗?

4、You can acquire knowledge only through diligence. Now, youve stopped halfway. Isnt it the same as cutting the brocade on the loom?───若是目前停止,和剪断织布机上的锦缎有甚么辨别?

5、One egg provides your body with 11% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin D. Isnt it a reason to have some eggs for breakfast or lunch?───一个鸡蛋提供给你的身体每天所需维生素d总量的11%。它难道不是早饭或午饭吃一些鸡蛋的一个理由吗?

6、Narrow corridors connect the courtyards. Farmer traces remain in the rooms. Isnt it strange to visit such an old place in the metropolitan Hongkong!───细长的走廊串起各个院落,房间里留存着农家的气息。在香港,这样的参观真是很奇异!

7、But I have to say, if you think Im not good enough, then you dont have to buy my album isnt it?───但是我必须要说,如果你认为我不够好的话,那你就不必买我的专辑对吗?

8、that number, Isnt it part of a game or something?───那个号码,不是游戏里玩的吗?

9、Jester: But, in return for your soul, till give you power! Marvelous, isnt it Just let your young spirit drive you and go for it!───杰斯特:但是,作为吸取伱灵魂旳交换,它会赐予伱气力!多么奇妙啊,不是吗?让伱年轻旳心灵驱使伱加快速度去寻找它吧!

isnt it相似词语短语

1、beat it───跑掉;走开

2、foot it───步行

3、cut it───停止;快走

4、get it───明白了;做到

5、hit it───起滑

6、in it───ab;.初始化(initialization)

7、cane it───抓住它

isnt it是句子吗?

是的,"isn't it" 是一个完整的句子。这个短语通常用来询问对方是否同意或者赞同前面所说的话。它由缩写形式"Is not it" 构成,表示反意疑问句的用法。例如,在对话中可以说:“这个**真的很精彩,不是吗?”

“Is not it” 在这里用来确认对方是否同意说话者的看法。因此,虽然它非常简洁,但“isn't it” 依然是一个完整的句子,具有清晰的语法结构和交际功能。

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