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you are right.翻译成中文(you re right中文翻译,you re right是什么意思,you re right发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

you are right.翻译成中文(you re right中文翻译,you re right是什么意思,you re right发音、用法及例句)

you re right

you re right发音

英:  美:

you re right中文意思翻译



you re right双语使用场景

1、Be sure you re right, and then go ahead.───确信你是正确的,然后勇往直前。

2、"You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital, " he told her. When you know you're right, you can't back down.───他告诉护士:“不论妳是在这所医院还是其他地方,都会干得很好的。”当妳确定自己正确时,就不能退缩。

3、"I suppose you're right. " he said, his eyes gleaming with emotion.───“我看你是对的,”他说着,神情激动,眼睛闪光。

4、You're right if you guessed that Elisha said he would not leave Elijah.───如果你猜以利沙说他不会离开以利亚,那么你对了。

5、I said, 'You're right. ' The minute she said it, I knew she was right.───我说,‘确实如此。’她话一说出口,我就知道她是对的。

6、Tori:Yeah! You re right! Let me introduce her to you. I just know you two will hit it off.───杜妮:对!让我给你们介绍。我知道你们会相处得很好。

7、B: Well, you're right, the resume is limited in how much it can tell someone about a person.───好了,你说的对,简历在说明一个人有多大能力方面确实是有限的。

8、Beyond ll questions you re right.───毫无疑难,你是对的。

9、Bill: Hm, maybe you're right. I think I'll have to give it a little more thought.───比尔:嗯,或许你们是对的。我想我得再考虑一下了。

you re right相似词语短语

1、to resight───重新调整

2、to go right───向右走

3、guide right───右翼为基准

4、to refight───重新点燃

5、to relight───重新点燃

6、do up right───认真做好

7、acre right───(定居者对开垦或所占土地的)优先购买权


这是缩写,完全是You are

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