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take pride in中文翻译,take pride in是什么意思,take pride in发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

take pride in中文翻译,take pride in是什么意思,take pride in发音、用法及例句

take pride in

take pride in发音

英:  美:

take pride in中文意思翻译



take pride in双语使用场景

1、It is difficult to take pride in work that is never seen.───没人看见的活儿,干起来不带劲.

2、We should all take pride in these successes.───我们应该对这些成功感到自豪.

3、Take pride in your health and your figure.───为自己的健康和体形感到骄傲吧。

4、And everywhere, the friendliness that Ghanaians take pride in.───更有到处可见的友善的加纳人,他们以此而感到自豪.

5、We take pride in our expertise and versatility to remain at the forefront of technology.───瑞好为其技术的前瞻性及产品的广泛性而深感自豪.

6、We take pride in our responsibilities as teachers in new China.───作为新中国的教师,我们为自己的职责感到骄傲.

7、Annie: Take pride in what you do?───安妮: 你对自己的工作感到骄傲 吗 ?

8、We take pride in offering you the highest standards.───我们以向您提供最高标准的服务而自豪。

9、We take pride in offering you the highest standards.───我们为你们提供了最高标准,为此感到非常自豪.

10、We take pride in our product.───我们对我们的产品感到自豪.

11、I take pride in my work, and I look at it as a representation of myself.───工作中我很自信,把我的经历运用到工作中, 把工作看成是我的象征.

12、We all take pride in and forward to travel day.───我们都感到自豪,并期待着一天的旅行.

13、All teachers will take pride in the progress made by their students.───所有的老师都将会为自己学生取得的成就而骄傲.

14、We take pride in the prosperity of our country.───我们为我国的繁荣昌盛而感到自豪.

15、the next few weeks, with mother's constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in being the narrator.───几个星期,在母亲的一再鼓励下,我渐渐地为担任旁白的角色感到骄傲。

16、At Grainger , we take pride in offering a benefits package that is among the best around.───固安捷公司为员工提供良好的福利政策.

17、Fixtures in a work institution often take pride in themselves for making great contributions to it.───长期在一个单位工作的人经常为自己对单位贡献巨大而感到自豪.

18、They can take pride in everything except the ability to speak Mandarin.───新加坡可自豪的事还不少,拜托大家,别拿这样的事来引以为荣.

19、We take pride in our craftsmanship.───我们为自己的手艺感到自豪.

20、We take pride in putting people first.───我们应认真做好以人为本.

21、Take pride in your accomplishments as they are stepping stone to your dreams.───每前进一步,你都应引以为豪,因为它们是你实现梦想的阶梯.

22、We take pride in all of the cooking games and other food games we add to our website.───我们对所有添加到我们网站上的烹饪游戏和其他食品游戏感到自豪。

23、Do things that make you proud , then take pride in what you do.───做能让你自豪的事情, 然后为你所做的事情自豪,为你自身感到骄傲.

24、Take pride in our accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to our dreams.───为自己的成绩自豪, 因为它们是你通往梦想的阶梯.

25、As fellow Canadians, we take pride in presenting his story to the world.───作为加拿大同胞, 我们因为能向全世界报导他的故事而感到骄傲.

26、We all take pride in being a member of the class.───我们都以是这个班的一员而感到自豪.

27、I take pride in running with these great men.───我很荣幸与这些大人物交往.

28、Each of us has the right to take pride in our particular faith or heritage.───我们每个人都有权为自己的信仰或传统而感到自豪.

29、Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams.───当他们为你的梦想成为垫脚石,你应该以你的造诣骄傲.

30、Health and education are indeed the most prominent accomplishments most Cubans say they take pride in.───医疗及教育确实是大多数古巴人所引以为傲的显著成就.

31、We take pride in the great achievements of our socialist construction.───我们为社会主义建设的伟大成就而自豪.

32、He seems to take pride in fatuous remarks.───说起这番蠢话来,他似乎还挺得意.

take pride in相似词语短语

1、take a meeting───开会

2、take stock in───相信;购买…的股票;注意

3、take credit───认为是……的功劳;居功

4、take aim at───瞄准;盯着;注意到;以…为目标

5、take part in───参加,参与

6、take orders───接受命令;做牧师(受圣职)

7、take sides───偏袒

8、take pity on───怜悯,同情

9、take a dip───泡个澡;去游泳

take pride in可以放在句尾吗


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