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mass market中文翻译,mass market是什么意思,mass market发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

mass market中文翻译,mass market是什么意思,mass market发音、用法及例句

1、mass market

mass market发音

英:  美:

mass market中文意思翻译


n.大量市场; 大众市场; 大规模的市场

mass market双语使用场景

1、Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.───他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。

2、Consumer goods companies eyeing the mass market should consider stretching their premium brands vertically.───关注大众市场的消费品公司,应考虑纵向延伸其高档品牌.

3、In the mass market, L - carnitine have been many weight loss products and major components of - fatigue product.───在大众市场, 左旋肉碱已是许多减肥产品和 抗 疲劳产品的主要成份.

4、This thesis, then, studies the knowledge - propagating mechanism of early - stage market and mass market.───随后论文考察了早期和大众这两个具体市场的知识传播机制.

5、But it takes two to make a market, and many more to create a mass market.───市场基本构成只需两个人, 而更多人参与才能够形成大型销售市场.

6、Often in a recession luxury vehicle sales hold up better than mass - market brands.───通常的,在衰退时期,豪华车相对大众品牌,依然能够保持较好的销售量.

7、Even mass market food retailers and fast - food chains have shown signs of moderation since mid - October.───甚至连大众食品零售商和快餐连锁店,10月 中旬 以来也已显示出增长放缓的迹象.

8、If you are developing mass - market games, you don't want to limit your market.───如果你在开发大型超市游戏, 你不会去限制你的超市.

9、They only publish novels which cater to the mass-market.───他们只出版迎合大众市场的小说。

10、Is this a luxury good or is it mass market thing?───是种奢侈品还是大批量生产的产品。

11、More users means lower cost, as products and technology catch in the mass market.───较多的使用者意味比较低的费用, 如同产品和技术在大众的市场中流行一样.

12、Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry.───宝洁是大众化妆品行业中的领头羊。

13、In the mass market, there is less disguising the modifications made for ageing consumers.───在大众市场上, 为上了年纪的消费者所作的改动就没那么遮遮掩掩了.

14、Research productivity and approval rates for mass - market drugs aimed at rich consumers are falling ( see chart ).───其研究能力和针对多数用户群体的大销量药品的批准率都在下降 ( 见图表 ).

15、But new competitors will help the technology gain traction in the mass market, he said.───但他也认为新的竞争者将促使大众市场更加关注这项技术.

16、Therefore, in the last year, Shell launched a major new mass market for cleaning products.───因此, 壳牌在去年推出了这款主要针对大众市场的清洁型产品.

mass market相似词语短语

1、mass marketing───大众营销;大规模市场销售

2、main market───主要市场

3、fish market───鱼市;[贸易]鱼市场

4、mass marketer───大众营销者


6、call market───n.放款市场;短期拆借市场

7、main markets───主要市场

8、mass markets───大众市场;大规模的市场

9、at market───按市价计算;按市价



由于硅元素是地壳中储量最丰富的元素之一,对太阳能电池这样注定要进入大规模市场(mass market)的产品而言,储量的优势也是硅成为光伏主要材料的原因之一。









在过去的十多年中,硅片厚度将变成 100μm. 减少硅片厚度带来的效益是惊人的,从330μm 到 130μm,光伏电池制造商最多可以降低总体硅原料消耗量多达60%。

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