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feel good中文翻译,feel good是什么意思,feel good发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

feel good中文翻译,feel good是什么意思,feel good发音、用法及例句

feel good

feel good发音

英:[ˈfiːl ɡʊd]  美:[ˈfiːl ɡʊd]

英:  美:

feel good中文意思翻译



feel good双语使用场景

1、As other feel good pills followed no mental illness seemed beyond their reach.───随后由于有其他反应较好的药物,精神病似乎都能治疗了.

2、We eat chocolate because we love how it tastes and it makes us feel good.───我们爱吃巧克力是因为我们喜欢它的味道,也因为它能令我们心情愉快.

3、I started to feel good about myself again.───我又开始感觉良好了。

4、Wear classic clothes which feel good and look good.───穿些舒适而又好看的传统服装。

5、When you beat the drum, you feel good.───当你击鼓时,你感觉良好。

6、You pay your money to hear what makes you feel good about yourself.───你付了钱去听那些使你感觉好的事.

7、Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person.───罗宾不喜欢自己的为人。

8、Take these pills after the meal and you'll feel good.───饭后服下这几粒药,你会觉得舒服的.

9、Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person.───罗宾对她自己的为人感觉不佳。

10、I don't feel good about seeing roadkill.───看到路上被轧死的动物,我觉得不舒服。

11、Well, then you feel good about taking it?───嗯, 那你觉得接受它很对了?

12、Does it feel good? – yer, I feel fine.───感觉是不是很好? 是的, 我觉得很好.

13、"I'm here to make them feel good," he says expansively.───“我来就是让他们开心的,”他豪爽地说。

14、you feel good with the person?───你和这个人在一起感觉好吗?

15、Would you feel good if I took toys from your shop?───如果我在你店里拿你的玩具你感觉会好 吗 ?

16、This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn.───这可以称得上是今秋令人赏心悦目的影片了。

17、Does it make you feel good and give you pep?───那些玩意是不是让你感觉很好而且充满活力?

18、When you beat the drum, you feel good.───敲鼓的时候感觉很好。

feel good相似词语短语

1、feel cold───感觉到冷

2、feel for───同情;摸索

3、feel out───v.试探出

4、free goods───[税收]免征进口税的货物;自然资源充足的商品

5、for good───永久地;一劳永逸地

6、feel loved───感受被爱



9、feel joy───感受快乐




Praise their children to make them feel good.


If the person were not under stress, the same bodily sensations might not be perceived as symptoms and the person might continue to feel well.

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