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commercial paper中文翻译,commercial paper是什么意思,commercial paper发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

commercial paper中文翻译,commercial paper是什么意思,commercial paper发音、用法及例句

1、commercial paper

commercial paper发音

英:  美:

commercial paper中文意思翻译




commercial paper双语使用场景

1、The interest deducted prior to purchasing , selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.───各大银行所报的最优惠贷款利率走势, 与储蓄存款利率的变动一致.

2、Tuesday, the Fed said it will a shot - term short - term loans by purchasing called comercial commercial paper.───星期二, 美联署说会通过购买商业债券来提供 短期 贷款.

3、How could you let it go bankrupt and not expect the commercial paper market to be completely crushed?───你怎么能任由它破产,而又没有预期到商业票据市场将会遭受灭顶之灾呢?

4、The credit bubble is over, thanks partly to a buyers'strike for asset - backed commercial paper.───信贷泡沫已经结束, 这在一定程度上是由于买方不再理会资产担保商业票据.

5、The SIVs will use the money to pay down maturing commercial paper and medium - term notes.───这两只SIV将利用这些资金来支付到期的商业票据和 中期 债券.

6、The Fed said it would buy special tools for the purpose of unsecured commercial paper.───美联储表示,将采用特殊目的工具买入无抵押商业票据.

7、Commercial paper is backed by a bank line of credit.───存单是银行的定期存款.

8、Tuesday, the Fed said it will make short - term loans by purchasing what is called commercial paper.───周二, 美联储说他们将通过购买“商业票据”来实现 短期 贷款.

9、I enclose this commercial paper with these two letters?───我须要在这两封信上附上这张商业票据吗?

10、Between May 1986 and May 1991,222 companies issued sterling commercial paper.───从1986年5月到1991年5月,有222家公司发行英镑货币商业票据.

11、Maturities of commercial paper range from three days to nine months.───商业票据的期限从3天到9个月不等.

12、Burned on Lehman debt , many money - market mutual funds have also stopped buying commercial paper.───这部分反映了季末对资金的临时争夺.

13、Goldman started out in 1869 as a dealer in commercial paper. As it entered new businesses its culture remained remarkably cohesive, thanks to strong leadership and its eschewal of big acquisitions.───高盛,1869年由一个商业票据的商人的开始起步,由于强有力的领导以及避免作大的并购,当其进入一个新的领域,其文化依旧很有凝聚力。

14、The Fed said the decline was concentrated in commercial paper, loans and commercial mortgage borrowing.───美联储说,下滑主要集中在商业票据 、 贷款和商业抵押贷款.

15、But interbank and commercial - paper markets suggest that the blind panic is abating.───不过银行间和商业票据市场的表现显示出盲目的恐慌正在减少.

16、There are two types of commercial paper: direct paper and dealer paper.───商业票据有两个种类: 直接票据和交易商票据.

17、Disaffirm explicitly apparent agency in the act commercial paper.───明确否认票据行为表见代理.

commercial paper相似词语短语

1、commercial space───商业面积;商用地方

2、commercial art───商业美术(如广告画,厨窗设计等)

3、euro-commercial paper───欧洲商业票据

4、commercial arts───商业美术(如广告画,厨窗设计等)

5、commercial papers───[会计]商业票据

6、commercial property───n.商业财产,商用不动产

7、commercial bank───商业银行


1、CP: 短期融资券(Commercial Paper,简称“CP”)。

2、SCP :超短期融债券。

3、PPN :在银行间债券市场以非公开定向发行方式发行的债务融资工具称为非公开定向债务融资工具(PPN,private placement note)。

4、MTN :英文Medium-term Notes的缩写。











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