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sample size中文翻译,sample size是什么意思,sample size发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

sample size中文翻译,sample size是什么意思,sample size发音、用法及例句

1、sample size

sample size发音

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sample size中文意思翻译



sample size双语使用场景

1、The ratio of sample size to population size.───抽样规模与人口规模的比率.

2、" But in the end it has the same problem fossils have -- the sample size is very small. "───“ 但是,到头来它还是面临同样的问题, 化石 样品的规模实在太小了. ”

3、Why does sample size for different questions vary in the same survey?───为什麽在同一项调查中,不同题目有不同样本数目?

4、We'll have better numbers once the sample size is in the thousands.───当样本大小有几千号人时我们的数据将会更为准确.

5、Would different sample size for different questions affect the sampling error?───个别题目的样本数目会否影响抽样误差?

6、Can be custom styles and sample size, welcome new and old customers call letter consultation orders.───可来样订制款式和尺寸, 欢迎新老客户来电来函咨询订购.

7、In strength property experiment, the sample size is 150×15×5 mm.───在强度实验中试件尺寸采用150×15×5毫米.

8、Calculated at 95 % confidence level using full sample size.───有关误差数字均以95%置信水平及整体样本计算.

9、Sample Size: 3 sets of completed products with assembly instruction ( if applicable ) are recommended.───样品要求: 3套样品,包括说明书 ( 如适用 )

10、Sampling techniques and sample size requirements vary with the techniques used.───取样方法和取样多少的要求因所采用的测试方法而异.

11、Table 1. Sources Code , Taxon , Collected site, Elevation, Sample size.───表一, 试验编号, 采样地点, 海拔高度与样本数目.

12、Regarding the sample size, since 1992 at slightly over 1, 000.───样本数目方面, 由1992年开始的有关即时调查的样本数目目标为1, 000个以上.

13、The large sample compartment gives you more fexibility in sample size.───大样品仓便于多种尺寸样品的测试.

14、Q: Would different sample size for different questions affect the sampling error?───问: 个别题目的样本数目会否影响抽样误差?

15、The sample size would have to be quadrupled.───样本量必须增大三倍.

sample size相似词语短语

1、sample space───[数]样本空间;试样空间;取样空间

2、sample cases───样本案例

3、ample time───充足的时间

4、sample survey───抽样检查;先行甸;样品鉴定

5、sample case───样品箱;样品案例

6、same size───同尺寸

7、sample spaces───[数]样本空间;试样空间;取样空间

8、similar size───相似大小

9、sample point───[数]样本点


PCM参数描述了脉冲编码调制(Pulse Code Modulation)音频数据的特性。这些参数包括:

采样频率(Sample Rate):表示每秒采样的次数,常见的采样频率有8kHz(电话音质)、44.1kHz(CD音质)和48kHz(DVD音质)等。

量化位数(Sample Size):表示每个采样点的位数,通常为16位。

通道个数(Number of Channels):表示音频的通道数,常见的有立体声(stereo)和单声道(mono)两种。

此外,还有样本数据是否有符号位(Sign)、字节序(Byte Ordering)以及数据类型(Integer Or Floating Point)等参数。这些参数共同定义了PCM音频数据的结构和质量。

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