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be done with中文翻译,be done with是什么意思,be done with发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

be done with中文翻译,be done with是什么意思,be done with发音、用法及例句

be done with

be done with发音

英:  美:

be done with中文意思翻译



be done with双语使用场景

1、This can be done with a direct test or an indirect test.───这项工作适用于直接测试或间接测试.

2、But still more might be done with crisis prevention.───但在危机预防方面,可能仍有很多工作要做.

3、The anastomosis must be done with great care.───吻合时必须格外小心.

4、Glogg: Boring ! We should just off him and be done with it!───无聊! 我们应该干掉他,这样一切就搞掂了.

5、He wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.───他想尽快结束这事.

6、I'll be done with mine first.───我先把我的吃完。

7、In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.───在古时候,这常常由一队拉行李的骆驼来完成。

8、all can be done with no mutable state in the client code.───所有这些都可以在客户端代码中没有可变状态的情况下完成。

9、I believe that things should be done with balance and moderation.───我认为应使用平衡和适度来做事.

10、You should tell her the truth and be done with it.───你应该告诉她真相,不要在隐瞒事实了.

11、Chuck : You can't just touch somebody's life and be done with it.───你不能把人整活了然后撒手不管好伐.

12、It can be done with highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy.───这可以通过有组织的认知行为治疗.

13、I will be glad to undertake to see what can be done with the papers.───我倒很乐于负责考虑怎么样对付报纸.

14、This can be done with exercise, relaxation, meditation, and setting priorities.───可以通过锻炼 、 放松 、 冥想以及合理的安排三者的顺序来达到减压的目的.

15、And all of that can be done with today's mail systems.───而且那全部都能被处置今天的邮件系统.

16、Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it.───只有充分感受了深切的痛苦,我们才能从中走出,并将它抛诸脑后。

17、This revision can be done with no additional charge.───这样更改不需要加钱就办得到.

18、They beat her because to do so was profitable and could be done with impunity.───他们打它是因为这样做对他们有利而且不会为他们带来任何惩罚.

be done with相似词语短语

1、gone with───v.伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

2、have done with───做完;和…无关

3、bearing with───忍受;宽容

4、done with───完毕

5、be in with───得到(某人)欢心;与(某人)是一伙,与(某人)狼狈为奸;和…接近,和…亲近;和…很熟

6、reasoned with───规劝;与…评理

7、go down with───被接受;染上疾病

8、reckoned with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

9、broke with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂


短语be done with ,中文意思是,完成;与……了结关系

In the old days this used to be done with a baggage train of camels.在古时候,这常常由一队拉行李的骆驼来完成。

This all can be done with no mutable state in the client code.所有这些都可以在客户端代码中没有可变状态的情况下完成。

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