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floor plans中文翻译,floor plans是什么意思,floor plans发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

floor plans中文翻译,floor plans是什么意思,floor plans发音、用法及例句

1、floor plans

floor plans发音

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floor plans中文意思翻译



floor plans双语使用场景

1、From the Roman style, structures retained much of the form of the basilica; however, the floor plans began to take on the cruciform shape.───它的结构形式大部分保留了巴西力卡的风格,但是平面上开始采取十字形状。

2、Create electrical and telecommunication floor plans for design and construction including outlets, switches, and fixtures.───创建电气和电信平面布置图,对插座、开关和配件等进行设计和构建。

3、Use the Floor Plan template in Microsoft Office Visio to draw floor plans for individual rooms or for entire floors for your building.───使用MicrosoftOfficeVisio中的“平面布置图”模板可以为建筑物中的各个房间或整个楼层绘制平面布置图。

4、AUM offers apartment style dormitories in one, two, or four bedroom floor plans.───奥姆真理教提供公寓式宿舍,在一个,两个或四个卧室平面图。

5、Next, I faintly shaded the floor plans.───接下来,我稍微填充了平面图。

6、The architects and designers are creating as they go, altering floor plans, design elements and concepts as the building is constructed.───随着施工的进行,建筑师和设计师们不断地调整楼层、元素的设计和想法。

7、The apartments wander through the complexity of the building's form, so their floor plans look insane.───一幢幢的公寓在整个建筑复杂的外形里穿梭逶迤,这样公寓的地面设计便看上去荒诞不经。

8、I need to store floor plans electronically.───我想要储存电子版的楼层平面。

9、They can even include flips in floor plans.───他们甚至可能随意改变你的平面图。

floor plans相似词语短语

1、floor pans───平底锅

2、float planes───水上飞机

3、floor pan───底板

4、floor plan───n.建筑的平面图

5、floor lamp───落地灯,立灯


7、flood plain───泛滥平原,冲积平原;[地理]河漫滩

8、flood plains───河漫滩;洪泛区

9、float plane───水上飞机


floorplans平面布置图 例句:1.He said late wednesday he had 'no recollection of seeing any floorplans' for the basement in reference to the tabloid article, and explained that his family members, not him, have been in charge of building the house, which was completed in 2007. 他周三晚间说,他不记得看到过小报报道中提到的地下室平面图,他解释说,房子的建造一直由他的家人负责,而不是他本人,房子是在2007年完工的。

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