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ground truth中文翻译,ground truth是什么意思,ground truth发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

ground truth中文翻译,ground truth是什么意思,ground truth发音、用法及例句

ground truth

ground truth发音

英:  美:

ground truth中文意思翻译




ground truth双语使用场景

1、Then, it is a recurring showers, rain drops in ground truth, water, on the lotus leaf.───紧接着, 便是如期而至的阵雨, 甘霖般点点滴滴实实在在地打在地面 、 水中 、 荷叶上.

2、data, the result shows that MODIS data has great potential in fog detection.───结果表明,MODIS数据在雾检测方面具有很大的潜力。

3、testified and compared with the ground truth of mouse density. The study provides a scientific basis for monitoring, prevention and combating of mouse disaster.───与实地害鼠密度的变化验证比较,为鼠害防治管理和动态监测提供科学依据。

4、Recent warming in a small region with semi - oceanic climate, 1949 –1998 : what is the ground truth?───在带有半海洋气候小区域里近来变暖1949-1998:真实地面是什么?

5、Those who manage information resources for research and teaching would take it as ground truth that research is a global and distributed phenomenon.───为了研究及教学而管理资讯资源的那些人,将研究是一种全世界性并且被分布的现象当作基础的事实。

ground truth相似词语短语

1、ground run───地面滑行

2、ground sloth───地懒

3、ground track───地面航迹,地面轨迹

4、ground rule───程序;基本原则;体育场馆的运动章程

5、ground cloth───铺地防潮布

6、ground runs───地面滑行

7、ground out───碾出;咬着牙齿说,苦心用功地做出;滚地球出局




激光雷达公司禾赛科技宣布与英伟达 NVIDIA 达成合作。英伟达将在其 NVIDIA DRIVE 平台使用禾赛的 Pandar128 激光雷达作为其自动驾驶开发系统的真值 (Ground Truth) 传感器。

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