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fire engine中文翻译,fire engine是什么意思,fire engine发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

fire engine中文翻译,fire engine是什么意思,fire engine发音、用法及例句

fire engine

fire engine发音

英:[ˈfaɪər ˈendʒɪn]  美:['faɪə 'endʒɪn]

英:  美:

fire engine中文意思翻译



fire engine双语使用场景

1、I put on the brake before the car knocked into the fire engine.───我踏下了制动器才没有撞到救火车上.

2、When the fire engine arrived, the fire was blazing.───消防车到时, 火正在炽烈燃烧着.

3、The house was in flames when the fire engine arrived.───救火车到达的时候,房子已经着火了.

4、Common corrosion forms of spot corrosion, corrosion and galvanic corrosion of fire engine were introduced.───对消防车常见的腐蚀形式———点腐蚀 、 缝隙腐蚀和电偶腐蚀进行了介绍.

5、Now I hear another siren but it's not the fire engine.───现在我听见另一鸣笛声,但那不是消防车.

6、A fire engine, out for spin , roared past Emerson's house, hot with readiness for public duty.───一辆外出巡视的消防车从爱默生的房子前呼啸而过, 时刻准备着为人们服务.

7、Then I heard the sound of fire engine. It was music to my ears.───终于我听到了火警警笛的响声, 在我耳里简直就是音乐!

8、The fire engine can carry extra tanks or refilling equipment, and a firefighter spends a limited time in the burning building.───消防车可以装载额外的气瓶或者充气设备,而消防员在着火建筑内停留时间也有限。

9、There an emergency. Please send a fire engine.───这有火灾, ·请尽快派消防车来.

10、I heard it--the sound of a fire engine. It was music to my ears.───我听到了它——消防车的声音。 这是我耳中的音乐。

11、The fire engine played on the flames.───救火车的水柱喷射在火焰上.

12、And , finally, I could hear the siren of the fire engine.───终于, 我听到了消防车的汽笛声.

13、There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine.───这有火灾, 请尽快派消防车来.

14、Send the other running to the village to telephone for a fire engine.───派另一个跑步去村里打电话叫消防车来.

15、The cars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get by.───汽车都开到人行道上使消防车能够开过去.

16、He picked up two plastic buckets and rushed to the center of the village, where a fire engine arrives once a day to provide water for residents.───他提起两个塑料水桶奔向村子的中心位置,消防车每天都会来这里一次,为居民们提供水源。

17、All traffic has to make way for a fire engine.───所有的车辆必须给救火车让路.

18、Automobiles must make way for a fire engine.───任何车辆都必须为消防车让路.

19、A fire has broken out somewhere , a fire engine rushes by.───大概又发生火灾了,消防车像风一样疾驰而过.

20、The fire engine throws a long stream of water.───(这辆)消防车喷出长长的水柱.

21、By the time the fire engine arrived , the house was burning like anything.───当消防车开到的时候, 房子的火势已经很猛了.

22、There was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine rumBling past.───响起了一阵喇叭的嘟嘟声和警铃的丁当声, 一辆消防车隆隆地驶了过去.

fire engine相似词语短语

1、fire engines───消防车


3、fire line───n.防火带;防火线

4、ion engine───离子发动机

5、pile engine───打桩机

6、air engine───空气发动机

7、aero engine───航空发动机

8、lit engine───光引擎;轻型发动机

9、car engine───汽车发动机


fire engine




fire engine

[英][ˈfaiə ˈendʒin][美][faɪr ˈɛndʒɪn]


复数:fire engines




An especially loud fire engine can still make the heart pound.


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