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ushered into中文翻译,ushered into是什么意思,ushered into发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

ushered into中文翻译,ushered into是什么意思,ushered into发音、用法及例句

1、ushered into

ushered into发音

英:  美:

ushered into中文意思翻译



ushered into双语使用场景

1、Six illegal Zimbabweans are picked up and ushered into the police car.───六位非法入境的津巴人被发现并把他们关到了警车里。

2、The brothers were ushered into his presence, and they told him all about the dispute.───两兄弟被带到王位前,并把争吵的来龙去脉说给了国王。

3、he was ushered into a simple and elegant drawing - room , and the count rose to meet him with a smiling air.───他被领进一间朴素高雅的会客厅里,伯爵面带笑容地起身来迎接他。

4、I was ushered into the headmaster's office by my teacher.───老师领着我进入了校长的办公室。

5、It has ushered into my life the unexpected gifts of friendship, community, passion and life purpose.───它引导友谊,社区,激情,和生活目标意外的礼物进入我的生活。

6、I was ushered into a homely kitchen warmed by a wood range the size of a small car.───我被引入—间简朴的厨房,里面用来取暖的是—个小汽车大小的木制灶台。

7、Despair turned to elation when we were ushered into the spooky entry hall in just a few minutes.───但仅仅几分钟后我们就被领进鬼屋大厅的时候,沮丧立刻变成兴高采烈。

8、I declared that I was a North Korean seeking asylum and was quickly ushered into another room.───我对他们说,我是一个寻求避难的朝鲜人,然后很快我就被带进了另一个房间。

9、Volunteers were ushered into a lab set up to look like a pub.───科学家安排自愿者进入一间看起来像酒吧的实验室。

ushered into相似词语短语

1、hoed into───v.津津有味地吃

2、ushered in───领进,引进

3、poured into───川流不息地涌入

4、sees into───调查;观察…的性质

5、shared in───分享,分担


7、entered into───进入;讨论;成为…的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅

8、see into───调查;观察…的性质

9、seen into───调查;观察…的性质


With a nod he vanished into the bedroom .


The two girls were ushered into the bedroom .


They found it best to close off the bedroom .


Miss sally dived into her own bedroom .


The bedroom windows give on to the street .


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