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die down中文翻译,die down是什么意思,die down发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

die down中文翻译,die down是什么意思,die down发音、用法及例句

1、die down

die down发音

英:  美:

die down中文意思翻译



减弱; 逐渐平息

die down双语使用场景

1、The fevers of blood die down, the spirit grows serene.───血液里的狂热冷却, 性灵平静.

2、Rudolph ate silently, waiting for the spate of approval to die down.───鲁道夫默默地吃着, 等着这阵赞扬的潮水退去.

3、I'll pause here to let the derisive laughter die down.───我将在此稍作停顿,让嘲弄的笑声平息。

4、She waited for the murmuring to die down before speaking again.───她等议论声变小了才又开口.

5、After a while, the wind began to die down.───过了一会儿, 风开始减弱.

6、When do things start to die down at the bar?───酒吧生意几点后开始冷清?

7、I think all the hype will die down pretty soon.───我认为所有的炒作将很快死去了.

8、The room seemed warm enough so we let the fire die down.───这房间似乎够暖和了,因此我们把火弄小了.

9、What a pity! They'll die down there in the grass," said the third.───真可怜!它们会死在草丛下面,”第三位律师说,他的名字我忘记了。

10、Plants often die down in winter.───草木往往冬天枯死.

11、The party didn't die down until about four in the morning.───一直到早上4点聚会的人群才渐渐散去.

12、Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.───他们目前的策略是保持低调,让事态慢慢平息。

13、The controversy is unlikely to die down.───争议不大可能平息。

14、The level of acrimony isn't likely die down soon.───事态的激烈程度不太可能很快会平息.

15、And also, the flowers of love probably fade and die down.───同样, 爱之花也会凋谢败落.

16、Unless the passion of it is to die down, it must somehow assert its universality.───除非爱情熄灭, 它会肯定自己的普遍性.

17、The shouting outside suddenly began to die down.───大门外的呼噪蓦地低落下去了.

die down相似词语短语

1、dial down───调低;降低

2、dies down───死亡

3、tie down───束缚;约束;栓系

4、deep down───实际上;在心底

5、lie down───躺下

6、died down───逐渐消失

7、done down───完成

8、does down───欺骗;胜过;说…坏话

9、did down───欺骗;胜过;说…坏话

2、英语中die out/down/away/off /of/from的释义

die out/down/away/off 在词典里均作为动词词组列出,并有解释。

die 后面用 of 和 from 时应注意:

1. 因疾病、受伤(disease or injury)而死亡,可用 die of,也可用 die from:

An old woman dying of cancer was taken into hospital.

Simon Martin died from brain injuries caused by blows to the head.

2. 其他原因造成的死亡只能用 die of:

Millions of children are dying of hunger.

Most animals in zoos die of natural causes.

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