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football player中文翻译,football player是什么意思,football player发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

football player中文翻译,football player是什么意思,football player发音、用法及例句

1、football player

football player发音

英:  美:

football player中文意思翻译



football player双语使用场景

1、They all allow him to be a good football player.───他们都承认他是一位优秀足球运动员.

2、As a football player he is second to none.───作为一名足球队员,谁都超不过他.

3、The football player retired hurt.───那个足球运动员受伤退场了.

4、Are you a football player?───你是足球队员吗?

5、Bart Starr, the football player , was being shaved by a barber.───理发师在给橄榄球星巴特·斯塔尔修面.

6、The football player threw a long pass.───那个橄榄球运动员抛了个长球.

7、He is a very erratic football player.───他是个技术非常不稳定的足球队员.

8、He's the best football player I've ever coached.───他是我训练过的最出色的足球运动员。

9、That football player appealed to the linesman.───那个足球运动员听取了巡边员的决定.

10、The football player injured his spine.───那个足球运动员的脊骨受了伤.

11、The boy is showing great promise as a football player.───那个男孩显示出是个大有前途的足球运动员.

12、They suspended a football player.───他们暂停了一位足球队员的比赛权.

13、The football player dislocated his shoulder.───那足球运动员的肩关节脱臼了.

14、his childhood fantasies about becoming a famous football player───他儿时想成为著名足球运动员的幻想

15、He is cut out for a football player.───他天生是个当足球运动员的料子.

16、He broke in as a football player.───他开始当一名足球运动员。

17、As a football player, John is second to none.───作为一名足球队员, 约翰可是首屈一指的.

18、The aging football player was playing on the skids.───那个上了年纪的足球运动员很明显地在走下坡路.

football player相似词语短语

1、volleyball player───排球运动员

2、football game───足球赛;橄榄球比赛

3、football career───足球生涯

4、football players───足球运动员

5、basketball player───n.篮球选手;篮球球员

6、football leagues───足球联盟;足球联赛

7、football games───足球赛;橄榄球比赛

8、ball player───n.棒球手;参加球赛的人(尤指棒球)

9、football pitches───足球场

2、football player和footballer的区别?


football player中文意思是足球运动员


He's the best football player I've ever coached.





We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer's speed and skill.


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