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show off是什么意思(shows off中文翻译,shows off是什么意思,shows off发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

show off是什么意思(shows off中文翻译,shows off是什么意思,shows off发音、用法及例句)

shows off

shows off发音

英:  美:

shows off中文意思翻译


v.使突出( show off的第三人称单数 ); 炫耀,卖弄


shows off双语使用场景

1、This series apparel shows off the elegance and exoticism.───此系列服装整体感觉复古典雅,尽显异域风味.

2、Like a child, he shows off, he dreams of power.───和儿童一样, 他喜欢炫耀, 想望通天的本事.

3、He shows off a copy of the scores used by the musicians whose flutes, cymbals, drums and pipes accompanied the Boxers into combat.───他拿出一本乐谱炫耀,当年乐师就是照着这本乐谱,拿着长笛、铙钹、鼓、风笛演奏,与义和团并肩作战。

4、The dark coloured frame shows off the painting well.───深色的画框把画衬托得很好看.

5、The swim - suIt'shows off her figure well.───这件泳装能充分显露她的漂亮身段.

6、This baby tee shows off your well - toned arms and sexy shoulders.───这件紧身T恤衫可显现你结实、线条优美的手臂和性感的肩膀.

7、Shows off my new fluorescent green hearing aids better.───更好地炫耀了我的新荧光绿色助听器.

8、The plain vase shows off the flowers to advantage.───这个单色的花瓶把鲜花衬托得更美.

9、Meredith ( Claire Bennet's bio mom ) shows off her powers Bennet.───梅瑞迪斯 ( 克莱尔的生身母亲 ) 展示她的能力.

10、The tiny arachnid, found in Australia, shows off a rainbow of colors to impress nearby females.───这只发现于澳大利亚的小蜘蛛,会向附近的雌性炫耀其彩虹般的色彩。

11、He never shows off.───他从不卖弄自己的才能.

12、He never shows off his ability.───他从不卖弄自己的才能。

13、The cut of her dress shows off her figure to perfection.───她的服装式样使得她的身材显得分外匀称.

14、Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality.───大多数人都采用彰显他们个性的穿着方式.

15、He also shows off a spectacular electric blue iceberg.───他还得意地向我们炫耀一座壮观动人的蓝色冰山.

16、The dress shows off her figure to perfection.───这套服装恰到好处地显示出她的身材.

17、The white gold setting shows off the beauty of the sapphires.───白金镶嵌更衬托出蓝宝石的美丽.

18、The black evening gown shows off her fair complexion.───黑晚礼服把她那白皙的皮肤衬托得分外显眼.

shows off相似词语短语

1、shore off───离岸

2、blows off───v.放出;吹掉

3、shook off───摆脱;抖落

4、showed off───炫耀;卖弄

5、throws off───摆脱;抛弃;关闭

6、show off───炫耀;卖弄

7、chops off───砍掉

8、shown off───炫耀,卖弄(showoff的过去分词形式)

9、shoves off───离开;开船


to take care of

Keeping your worries

shows off

to give up

dreaming about

will get back

to travel to

to achieve a balance

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