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developed economies中文翻译,developed economies是什么意思,developed economies发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

developed economies中文翻译,developed economies是什么意思,developed economies发音、用法及例句

developed economies

developed economies发音

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developed economies中文意思翻译



developed economies双语使用场景

1、This current account surplus has been a thorn in the side of developed economies struggling to rebuild their exports.───这一经常账户盈余一直是发达经济体竭力增加出口时的眼中钉。

2、News from developed economies has become sunnier.───来自发达经济体的消息也变得更令人欣慰。

3、With developed economies still weak, many governments are (often rightly) keen to run large deficits for a while longer.───发达国家经济仍旧疲软,很多政府愿意继续保持高额赤字(通常是正确的做法)。

4、This would mean further bad news lies ahead for developed economies.───对于发达国家而言,这则意味着未来还有更多坏消息的到来。

5、But achieving trade liberalization is not something developed economies can achieve alone, he said.───但他说,实现贸易自由化不是发达国家能单独做到的。

6、Demand, too will be curbed, as it has already begun to be in most developed economies.───正如多数发达国家已经开始的那样,需求也将受到抑制。

7、It was an attempt to use tools usually reserved for corporations in developed economies to wrest profit from their distributors.───这一行动意在利用通常为发达国家的公司所保留的手段,从经销商手中争夺一部分利润。

8、Lots of companies send managers from developed economies to emerging ones.───很多公司都会外派经理人从发达国家到新兴市场。

9、Despite the retreat in many markets, most investors expect China to keep growing at a pace well above that of the big developed economies.───尽管许多市场有所后退,但大多数投资者预计中国会以远快于大型发达经济体的速度保持增长步伐。

developed economies相似词语短语

1、false economies───虚假经济

2、siege economies───紧缩经济

3、mixed economies───混合经济

4、developed worlds───发达国家

5、centralized economies───集权经济

6、managed economies───管理经济

7、planned economies───计划经济

8、service economies───服务经济

9、developing countries───[经]发展中国家


innovation deficit




But today, developed economies also need to worry about the innovation deficit.

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