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fullmoon(full moon中文翻译,full moon是什么意思,full moon发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

fullmoon(full moon中文翻译,full moon是什么意思,full moon发音、用法及例句)

full moon

full moon发音

英:[ˌfʊl ˈmuːn]  美:[ˌfʊl ˈmuːn]

英:  美:

full moon中文意思翻译


满月; 望月; 盈月; 月轮


full moon双语使用场景

1、Full moon eclipses do bring endings, but it could be the end ofyour single life.───满月带来的是结束, 不过那可能是你单身生活的结束.

2、Two days ago, on Wednesday, the full moon came up around sunset – of course!───两天前, 即周三, 太阳刚落下满月就出现了——当然了!

3、Since tomorrow morning also brings with it a powerful Full Moon, you need to be all eyes and ears throughout this evening and into the early hours of Saturday.───因为明天早晨在还会出现一轮强劲的满月,你就需要从今晚到周六凌晨之间一直眼观六路,耳听八方。

4、Page 23 : As promised, Mononoke arrived to fetch the daughter at the next full moon.───就像约定的那样, 猫怪在下个满月夜来带走女儿了.

5、The full moon has a circular shape.───满月呈圆形.

6、A full moon always brings a finish.───满月通常意味着完成.

7、A full moon hangs over the garden.───一轮圆月挂在花园的上空.

8、A full moon was beginning to rise and peered redly through the upper edges of fog.───一轮满月开始升起,带着红色的光芒在雾气上沿朦胧出现.

9、She wished on the full moon.───她对着满月许愿.

10、This week the Full Moon on Thursday will tend to rattle your cage at work.───本周四的满月给你的工作带来紧张形势.

11、There was a full moon and its silvery light seeped through the curtains.───满月当空,银色的清辉透过窗帘照进来。

12、The phases of the moon include the new and the full moon.───月相包括新月和满月.

13、A friend may not be the friend you supposed on the full moon September 15.───在9月15日满月时你的一个朋友让你感觉不再是那个朋友.

14、Because as a white disk near full moon, there is no trace of clouds.───因为这如白色磁盘圆月旁, 没有一丝云彩.

15、It was full moon over sea in the beach of Sai Kung when we reached.───西贡在海边,到达时海上已升起一轮明月,颇为动人.

16、The rain finally stopped and the clouds had parted to reveal a full moon.───最后雨终于停了,乌云消散,满月露出脸来.

17、Folk Music Ensemble " Arirang " " Blooming Flowers And Full Moon "───民乐合奏《阿里郎》朝鲜族乐曲《花好月圆 》.

18、The word "lunatic" was coined to describe people who went mad at the full moon.───lunatic是个生造词,用来形容月圆时发疯的人。

19、The salty yolk in the middle, representing the full moon, is an acquired taste.───公众熟悉的口味是中间有咸蛋黄的月饼, 蛋黄就代表满月.

20、moon takes 30 days to change from new moon to full moon and back to the new moon.───月亮从新月变成满月再变回新月要花费三十天。

21、The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full Moon.───光环带是一种灿烂的珠白色朦胧光, 几乎像满月一样明亮.

22、When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.───在有满月出现的时候,这种夜间出没的啮齿类动物小心地呆在它的洞里。

23、A full moon hung in the sky.───一轮圆月悬在空中.

24、The vernalequinoxis the time to the first Sunday after the full moon.───时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日.

25、In the Song Dynasty, enjoying the full moon while eating sweet mooncakes became very popular.───在宋朝, 欣赏满月,吃着甜甜的月饼已经很流行了.

26、Expect the dawning of new understandings to unfold at the Full Moon.───满月的时候,你很可能会得到一些新的想法(对一些事情产生新的理解).

27、It was a full moon night , but thin clouds obscured the moonlight.───薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里.

28、The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared.───雾消散了,整个月亮出现了.

full moon相似词语短语

1、full cost───[会计]全部成本,完全成本

2、full moons───[天]满月

3、buck moon───雄鹿月;公鹿月

4、cold moon───寒冷的月亮

5、full blood───纯血统

6、foul mood───坏心情

7、full monty───一应俱全;光猪六壮士(**名,TheFullMonty)

8、full bloom───盛开

9、full point───句号


full moon释义[天] 满月full英-[fʊl]美-[fʊl]释义n. 全部;完整adj. 完全的,完整的;满的,充满的;丰富的;完美的;丰满的;详尽的vt. 把衣服缝得宽大adv. 十分,非常;完全地;整整

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